What is diagnostics. What is computerized vehicle diagnostics? Actuator test

The term “diagnosis” comes from the Greek word “diagnostikos”, which means “able to recognize”. The concept of diagnostics is widely used in various fields of human knowledge. For example, in medicine, technology, psychology. About what diagnostics is from the point of view of these sciences and why it is needed, and will be discussed further.

What is diagnostics for?

The general meaning of diagnostics as a concept is the same in all sciences and performs a number of the following functions:

  • a comprehensive study of the subject (for example, the work of the human body, technical mechanisms, devices, systems, psychological processes, etc.);
  • identification of deviations, defects (for example, in human life, machine operation, etc.);
  • prediction of possible deviations (for example, in the development of the organism, the human psyche, in the mode of operation of mechanisms);
  • development and improvement of various methods and means of detecting defects.

A number of the above concepts is what diagnostics as a whole is needed for. Each separate science has its own functions and diagnostic methods.

What is medical diagnostics

Medical diagnostics is the science of methods for identifying diseases in order to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. Modern medical diagnostics is based on a variety of methods, the most reliable of which are:

  1. Laboratory blood tests. According to them, the doctor can learn about the existence of certain diseases and inflammatory processes in the human body, obtain data on the amount of certain substances in the blood.
  2. Cardiography. This diagnostic method is a one-time or daily monitoring of the heart.
  3. Gastroscopy. This method helps to identify various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: stomach ulcers, intestinal pathologies and others.
  4. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) helps to identify many diseases at the earliest stages of their development.
  5. Ultrasound of the organs can assess the correct development of the fetus during pregnancy, as well as determine the condition of various internal organs.
  6. Radiography helps doctors identify various injuries or surgical pathologies.
  7. Endoscopy avoids traumatic surgery when collecting the necessary materials for analysis from the internal organs.

You can read more about what diagnostics can be from the point of view of medicine in the section on our website.

What is technical diagnostics

Technical diagnostics is the main part of maintenance. Its main task is to ensure the efficient and safe operation of any technical facility. A more complete picture of what technical diagnostics is can be obtained by examining its main functions, which include:

  • assessment of the technical condition;
  • identifying the location of various faults;
  • residual resource forecasting;
  • observation and registration of the technical condition of the object.

Carrying out technical diagnostics helps to reduce repair costs and avoid forced downtime in the operation of machines and mechanisms.

What is psychological diagnostics

Psychological diagnostics develops a theory, principles for assessing and measuring the psychological characteristics of a person. What diagnostics is needed for in psychology will be prompted by the areas of its application. These include:

  • recruitment and selection of personnel, career guidance, personnel management;
  • identifying the best ways to educate and educate children;
  • making a forecast of people's social behavior;
  • conducting a forensic psychological examination;
  • provision of psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance;
  • clinical (assessment of the psychological state of a person during outpatient treatment, at a doctor's appointment or when providing emergency medical care).

In addition to the above types of diagnostics, there are others (for example, economic, pedagogical), the basic principles of which can be understood by knowing what diagnostics are in the broad sense of the word.

Many people have come across the word "diagnosis". Diagnosis means viewing either a person or a situation in order to make a diagnosis and develop an action plan to eliminate shortcomings and extraneous interfering influences. In magic, this means viewing a person or viewing a situation thereof for different directions. To translate into ordinary familiar language, I will explain that diagnostics are mainly used when viewing for the presence of other people's influences, mandalas, magical techniques and rituals. If we diagnose the situation, this will first of all mean that the situation is annoying and there is a danger of any kind, both magical and physical, in it. Otherwise, we have no reason to diagnose this situation. When a person has everything in chocolate, he will not even bother to diagnose “why everything is so good with me”.

Usually this word is common in many forums where you will be advised not to ask questions to a "professional" runic art, but to do it yourself. Although this is doubtful. If you begin to comprehend magical knowledge, then you still don’t know a lot. You have no experience in interpreting the images of this very diagnosis.

Let's look at this word from the doctor's point of view. Before making a diagnosis, the doctor sends the patient for tests, ultrasound, x-rays or tomography. And if the doctor interprets the usual tests (blood and urine), that is, looking at the form, he understands whether this is a norm or a pathology and in what disease this can occur. But as for ultrasound, X-ray, and even more so tomography, here the result of the study is already described in the form by the doctor who specializes in these studies. And the usual therapist does not interpret such tests. At the same time, the therapist does not experience torment about his inferiority as a doctor and calmly reads the study described by the specialist, from which he draws conclusions about the further diagnosis.

So in any case, until you begin to understand it, your knowledge leaves much to be desired and there can simply be no question of any normal diagnostics. And don't bother with forum magicians, they are quite a bit different from you, just a few months or a year of knowledge. And this is not enough for real magic.

For a beginner, astrological analysis can give the most complete diagnosis of the state of his affairs. There are computer programs that issue and interpret the information received. I remember that in the nineties, in one of the stores on Krasnaya Street, they installed a computer with an astroprogram. This is how people earn their daily bread. Out of pure curiosity, I used this service. and after years I can say that the main points that the computer said in the printout came true in my life. So do not underestimate such programs.

In second place in terms of information content, you can put such a system as ordinary cards that can be laid out for a day, a week, a month or three. It's usually pretty easy to get used to interpreting card combinations and start seeing them for yourself. Moreover, you can compare the combination that fell out and the event that occurred after this. I have been guessing on ordinary cards since I was 16 years old. My friend and I took a break from studying at a medical college (after we graduated from a medical university with her). They laid out playing cards for themselves and their friends, and everything came true. Gradually, we learned to see the overall picture of the situation, individual moments, and interfering moments from the alignment. Here the main thing is experience and perseverance. Gradually, a combination of images is developed, and all bookish truths fade into the background.

There are very good playing card systems, such as Robert Kemp's system. There is a system for calculating birth charts and based on such calculations, an analysis of the current situation is made. By the way, there are also computer programs for these systems, in which you only need to enter the dates, and you get a ready-made interpretation of the situation. In general, it’s convenient and at first you can start to see the same rake that you step on all the time. The main thing is to treat everything with a certain amount of skepticism and include common sense, then everything will work out.

It is very difficult for a beginner to read Tarot cards. Here the main thing is the selection of that Tarot deck, which would suit you visually and figuratively and there was no internal rejection. And the very decoding of different combinations, layouts and other things can be found in such quantity both on sale and in free access on the net, and on various Tarot divination forums. And again, the analysis - what combination fell out and what happened next. Don't be fooled by the clear meanings of the tarot cards. This is a flexible system and provides information depending on the level of the user in different volumes.

There are also various systems of fortune-telling cards, such as, for example, Lenormand cards, Tarot Simbolon, various picture cards, and so on. I don't like Lenormand cards, I can see them, but I really don't like working with them. I prefer the usual deck of cards, on it you can see everyday affairs and even draw a conclusion about outside interference in the situation by some combinations of cards in the layout. Moreover, I have one alignment, it was even described in Klyuev's book on Tarot. And I've been doing it since I was 16 years old.

Runic divination is always situational. They show how this or that situation will develop, what threatens us with this or that action. And it must be remembered that the runes have such an extremely unpleasant consequence - when fortune-telling, they prescribe just such a course of the situation, removing other options.

What are the types of magical diagnostics?

1. General diagnostics.
A person is viewed as a whole, his life, affairs, personal life, health, etc. In this way, the magician evaluates who this person is and what he is. Such diagnostics help to identify problem areas, the root of the problem and determine what the magician will have to work with. This is a very energy-intensive action, especially when a client asks to view his future. Given the frequent multivariance of the future and the fork in the road, you can’t see this in just five minutes. It takes a few hours or more...

2. Diagnosis of the negative.
Perhaps the most sought after today. People are so arranged that you can pick up negativity anywhere and in any way. There is a lot of envy, it corrodes our reality like mold. From envy, a person begins to do rituals or runic on others. There is also a “universal evil”, this is when they simply advise to be able to tune in to “pure evil”. Those. to harm a person not because he is so bad, but you are so offended by him, take revenge, etc. You have to do evil because you want to do evil. Not "for the fact that ...", but you just want it so now. This is "pure evil" - just your desire for evil without any background and nothing more. Here the term "enemy" is very popular. These are the inventions of forum magicians of our time. "Rabbits", "enemies", this is from the category of magical heresy and delusions. If a person is jealous of the whole world, then these terms are always present in his vocabulary, as well as "universal evil." The trouble is that there are a lot of these, therefore there are so many damages, thieves, transfers and other negative things.

Diagnosis of the negative is done by the magician when viewing. And damage is never diagnosed, and even more so different rituals for cards, Tarot, runes.

Diagnostics helps to identify the type of negativity, the features of its manifestation, where it came from, who did it, what it threatens and how to remove it.
3. Diagnosis of human chakras.
Such a view allows you to determine the state of a person's chakras, to identify blocks. If the practitioner sees problems, he can offer to cleanse, charge or open the chakras, because our successful existence on all planes of existence depends on their functioning.

4. Health diagnostics.
Allows you to identify the general state of health, the causes of the disease (which, by the way, are very different ... from karmic to reverses and kickbacks for various magical pranks, depending on the severity of the deed) and ways to restore health and energy.

There are times when a person comes to diagnose damage, and he has an accumulation of negative energy in the abdomen, for example. Then you say that he needs to pay attention to his health and go to the surgeon for a consultation, since the physical body itself can no longer cope with recovery without the help of a doctor.

Those who have taken DEIR classes always focus on diagnosing the health and condition of the chakras, fields, and auras. I think that spending energy on viewing the state of health is very irrational. There is a well-developed medicine, diagnostic methods, laboratories, and apparatuses. Let them do the diagnostics. But when it is clearly visible that the problem is concentrated in a certain area of ​​the body and it must be treated by medical methods, and not magical, then you can say, advise a person.

Yet again. using cards and runes to say what and where it hurts, what state of energy is very problematic. You should not waste time on this, and if it hurts, you need to go to the clinic and not lay out cards, Tarot or runes.

5. Diagnostics of human energy / housing.
First of all, it is necessary to divide diagnostics into diagnostics of a person and diagnostics of a person's dwelling.

Energy diagnostics is generally not done separately. Separately, this is only if a person’s magical abilities, energy level, elemental shift and other professional terms explaining the diagnosis of a person as a magician are checked.

In other cases, energy is evaluated when looking at other people's magical effects, damage and other bad things. Some spoilage and rituals after a clearly defined period threaten a person with health problems and shortening his life. Therefore, it is necessary to restore this same energy. Yes, and the energy diagnostics itself is very well done using hardware methods, using the Kirlian effect. Therefore, no one will tell you specifically about this pimpochka in this chakra and one poorly functioning petal of the chakra. The straightening of such a chakra petal has no practical application.

So we diagnose the energy of a person if we evaluate his magical potential. The use of my boards that raise the level, energy and potential of the magician requires such a review and definition of elemental shift. And without any extraneous bookmarks, stealers and copiers, you quite successfully raise your own magician potential.

Diagnosis of the energy of the home also implies viewing for hostile influences. There are also extraneous astral entities, spirits, souls of dead people, there are also all sorts of magical and witchcraft influences on a house with the aim of causing harm to those living in it. And on illness, and on poverty, and on dying, and much more can be seen when viewing residential premises.

With business premises, the situation is even more depressing. What can not be found with such a diagnosis. And pads are the most harmless thing. Once my client asked me to see what kind of inscription she wrote on the door of her salon. It turned out that a group of guys had developed a technology for magical cash flow. A runic inscription was written, but the meaning is not in it, but in the paint and the composition of this paint, which was used for this writing. It was the paint that tied the office into the constriction system of channels. I advised the client to just carefully peel off the inscription from the wall so that there was no paint left. As a result, the drag did not work. This is what happens in our reality.

The Feng Shui system can provide some assistance to a beginner in diagnosing the state of energy in a home. Especially calculations on flying stars. With due diligence, calculations are obtained and the negative energy of the home can be compensated to some extent.

It is impossible to diagnose the state of energy of a dwelling with runes. As well as writing runic formulas and staves on the walls and photos of the premises. Such magic requires a completely different approach and the use of graphic magic figures and calculation formulas for rooms. Therefore, do not bother yourself with the revelations of forum practitioners, study magical books and gain your experience.

6. Diagnosis of relationships.
One of the most popular, along with the diagnosis of the negative. This is a very good way to plan actions to save the relationship and take it to the next level. To diagnose a relationship, you always need photos of both partners. Although the diagnosis is done for one of them.

Using various techniques, you can identify what their relationship is like, what they really crave and what they need to do in order for both to live in peace and harmony.
This also includes the diagnosis of any type of relationship - business, partnership, family. It will help to develop tactics for influencing a partner and adjust the relationship itself. In business, it helps in concluding deals, contracts and agreements.

And again, it is difficult to carry out such diagnostics with runes. Particularly bewildering are lengthy presentations for a particular rune that has fallen out or a combination of runes. This just doesn't happen. The rune gives a direction, a vector, a hint, but does not speak in the words of a human language for three or four sentences. Everything else is from the evil one and forum practitioners.

7. Diagnostics of the financial condition.

The state of a person's finances can be understood simply by seeing him on the street, in a store or in the market. There are many signs, these are clothes, behavior, habits, purchased goods and other trifles. You just have to be observant.

And the causes of money problems - basically, the work goes with a specifically stated problem of a person. The only trouble is that a person is very rarely able to understand the cause of his problems, no matter how he explains it. And some things are better not to say at all. How can you tell a woman in love that her prince just wants to take her out on a loan? How can you tell a business woman that her project is doomed simply because she swung at the wrong level and she will simply be thrown for money? And there's not much else to say.
But basically, monetary diagnostics helps to identify the cause of monetary problems and suggest ways to get rich.

And again, we will not diagnose this with runes. We can say that this project is dangerous, this situation is bad, this is where you can be thrown, this is where you will have the opportunity to earn money. No more.

8. Diagnosis of a magical ritual.

This, in the form in which it is propagated by the practitioners of forum magic, is a very big magical falsehood. If you are told that in this way you can determine whether the ritual that caught your eye is working, whether it will work for you personally, what the consequences will be, what results, in general, everything that you want to know, you should think carefully about the qualifications of this magician. Although this is not surprising, there are a lot of pseudo-rituals on the forums, in which, even at a glance, mistakes and blunders and complete ignorance of the basics of magical actions are visible.

Real magical rituals are not posted online. There are witchcraft books that describe such rituals. And these books are not copied, otherwise the ritual loses its power. Therefore, they are chasing grandmothers, many books have been stolen. The same situation develops with magic books and spell books. There, too, the number of copies is sharply limited. This must be taken into account.

There are common rituals, techniques and sign techniques. Here in them you can make a working ritual, technique and figure. But at the same time, you need to know the basics of magical actions, magical correspondences, planetary, zodiac, elemental correspondences, and much more. Then, when you look at the sheet with the record of the ritual, you will immediately say whether it is working.

Any fortune-telling techniques will definitely never tell you whether this is a working ritual, whether you can use it and what will happen as a result. In order to begin to understand the rituals, you need to read some good literature, try to perform some training rituals, and only then you will be able to understand what you need to do.

At first, you need to think well when using thieves, copiers, traps and other filth, why do you want to take revenge on this rabbit or this enemy and whether they really are such in relation to you ...

9. Diagnostics of the runic stav.

First of all, you need to have common sense and not use all these advanced patterns of knitted runes of the modern Runet. Basically, they are dangerous for application and use, because they are basically chaotic in structure.

Well, if you still decide to use such staves, then see if it contains only runes or is there a hodgepodge of runes, glyphs, symbols. Some magical signs do not work at all with runes in the same stave. Glyphs and runes are often incompatible, as glyphs were used by those peoples who were unable to cast runes and work with runic magic.

Next, you need to check such a job. This is done like this - draw this creation on paper, then try to move your hand over it, the palm is sensitive to flows and you can feel what flows are felt above the surface of the paper. Then put the paper aside for a day in a plastic file and then again try to feel the flows over the stave. If you become a worker, then even after a day has passed you will feel a light breeze over the surface of the paper with the stave. But if there are no sensations, then the creation called the cool becoming of a runologist does not work. If there is an imbalance, unpleasant sensations from paper with a stav, then it is better to throw this creation into the trash and not spoil your aura, being next to such a creation.

And try not to use work at all without describing the direction of the stav. I remember how a very long time ago I met on the Internet one page from a magical book, I used it, and a constriction channel was formed for you. And all the chocolate buns go from you to the spreader of this page. So either read the reviews about the stakes or draw yourself. Stakes are often made according to technology, my left leg does not know how the right one works, and therefore have a chaotic structure.

When you use runic divination, trying to get an answer to the question of whether this becoming can be used, you need to formulate the question well. Otherwise, you will not understand the answer. And if you didn’t like the rune that fell out, then, as usual, MINRUN warned you, and only you yourself can decide whether to follow his advice or not ....

To be continued…

Establishment and study of signs characterizing the state of building structures of buildings and structures to determine possible deviations and prevent violations of the normal mode of their operation. Source: SP 13 102 2003: Rules ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

- (this see the previous next). In general, the definition of the distinguishing features of objects; in particular, the part of medicine that has the subject of determining the type and signs of diseases. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Testing, checking, testing, recognition, test, test Dictionary of Russian synonyms. n diagnostics, number of synonyms: 42 auto diagnostics (1) … Synonym dictionary

diagnostics- Procedures and systems that detect and isolate errors and malfunctioning devices, networks and systems. diagnostics (ITIL Service Operation) A stage in the life cycle of an incident or problem. ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

Diagnostics- - establishment and study of signs characterizing the state of building structures of buildings and structures to determine possible deviations and prevent violations of the normal mode of their operation. [SP 13 102 2003] Diagnostics… … Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

The science of disease recognition and diagnosis. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

- (from the Greek diagnostikos capable of recognizing) the doctrine of the methods and principles of recognizing diseases and making a diagnosis; diagnosis process... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

DIAGNOSIS, diagnostics, female. (honey.). Branch of medicine, the doctrine of methods of diagnosis. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

DIAGNOSIS, and, for women. 1. see diagnose. 2. The doctrine of the methods of diagnosis. 3. Establishing a diagnosis. Laboratory d. Early d. of the disease. | adj. diagnostic, oh, oh. D. analysis. Diagnostic service. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Female, Greek recognition, recognition; determination of signs and mutual differences of works of nature; knowledge will accept: recognition of diseases, by seizures and phenomena. Diagnostic, related to diagnosis, recognition. Male diagnostician... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Diagnosis and healing of the soul and body, VV Pukhov. This book is for those who strive for the physical and spiritual perfection of the individual, realizing that only a healthy and spiritually advanced person can reasonably work for the common good for ...
  • Diagnostics of the soul Shamanic gift Healing compass Soul on fire set of 4 books,. Diagnosis of the soul in the horoscope. From Self-Knowledge to Healing Book 1. The main difficulty of self-knowledge lies in the fact that we inevitably have to discover in ourselves not only the beautiful sides ...

diagnostics (Greek diagnostikos capable of recognizing iib)

    a section of clinical medicine that studies the content, methods and successive steps of the process of recognizing diseases or special physiological conditions;

    the process of recognizing the disease and assessing the individual biological and social characteristics of the subject, including a targeted medical examination, interpretation of the results and their generalization in the form of a diagnosis.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal


and. Greek recognition, recognition; determination of signs and mutual differences of works of nature; knowledge will accept: recognition of diseases, by seizures and phenomena. Diagnostic, related to diagnosis, recognition. Diagnostician m. recognizer; experienced in omens.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


diagnostics, (honey.). Branch of medicine, the doctrine of methods of diagnosis.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


Teaching about methods of diagnosis.

Establishing a diagnosis. Laboratory d. Early d. of the disease.

adj. diagnostic, th, th. D. analysis. Diagnostic service.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


DIAGNOSTICS (from the Greek diagnostikos - capable of recognizing) the doctrine of the methods and principles of recognizing diseases and making a diagnosis; the process of making a diagnosis.


(from Greek diagnostikós ≈ capable of recognizing) (medical), the process of recognizing a disease and designating it using accepted medical terminology, i.e. establishing a diagnosis; the science of diagnostic methods. D. is based on a comprehensive and systematic study of the patient, which includes:

    collection of anamnesis - targeted questioning about complaints, the history of the disease and the history of the patient's life;

    an objective study of the state of the body [inspection, palpation, percussion (percussion), listening (auscultation)], determination of visual acuity, hearing, reflexes, range of motion in the joints, etc .;

    analysis of the results of laboratory tests of blood and various secretions (feces, urine, sputum, pus, etc.); x-ray studies; graphic methods - recording on paper or photographic film the movements of the heart (cardiography), blood vessels (sphygmography), etc.; electrodiagnostic studies (electrocardiography, electroencephalography, etc.), endoscopy - examination of the internal surfaces of some organs (for example, the inner surface of the stomach, bladder) using special optical instruments, biopsy - examination of small pieces of tissue excised from a patient or material obtained by puncture ( puncture) with a special needle of the bone marrow, lymph nodes, etc. In some diseases, significant diagnostic data is obtained using radioactive isotopes (radioisotope diagnostics). Of great importance for D. infectious and allergic diseases are bacteriological and serological (using sera) methods. In more complex cases, to establish a diagnosis, sometimes they resort to a trial operation for the purpose of direct examination and study of local changes.

    As a rule, to recognize a disease, it is necessary to detect a sufficiently large number of signs of the disease, their combinations, determine their severity, etc. Since different diseases can have the same symptoms (for example, headache, fever, vomiting, etc.), differential diagnosis is performed to recognize the disease. Usually, the starting point for differential diagnosis is the choice of the most characteristic, leading, reliable (pathognomonic) sign; the disease is compared with diseases similar in this symptom. Less often, the diagnosis is made by excluding similar diseases.

    To avoid mistakes associated with insufficient medical experience, especially when recognizing rarer diseases, since the 50s. 20th century began to make attempts to establish a diagnosis with the help of computers on the basis of the symptoms identified by the doctor, the significance of which in various diseases was calculated in advance. An obstacle to the development of this method of D. are the difficulties of quantitative assessment of symptoms and the imperfection of the classification of diseases (see Medical Cybernetics).

    In the process of establishing a diagnosis, the cause of the disease, concomitant diseases and complications are ascertained, the severity of disorders in the activity of body systems (functional D.) is assessed, and the physiological characteristics of the patient are taken into account. Thus, the diagnosis should reflect the features that distinguish this patient from other patients with the same disease. An early, accurate and most specific diagnosis facilitates rational and effective treatment and in many cases makes it possible to predict possible options for the further course of the disease.

    Pathological (post-mortem) D. is carried out by a specialist pathologist and is based on the study of autopsy data of the deceased, chemical and microscopic analysis of tissues in comparison with the results of intravital examination. Pathological anatomical D. makes it possible to detect and analyze inaccuracies in the intravital diagnosis; important in forensic practice.

    Lit .: Osipov I. N., Kopnin P. V., Basic questions of the theory of diagnosis, 2nd ed., Tomsk, 1962; Methodical problems of diagnostics, [sat. articles], M., 1965; Brodman K., Diagnosis using a computer, in the book: Electronics and cybernetics in biology and medicine, trans. from English, M., 1963, p. 361.


    D. in veterinary medicine divided into general and special. Tasks of the first: preliminary acquaintance with a sick animal (anamnesis), determination of its habitus (appearance), examination of the skin, skin and subcutaneous tissue, superficial lymph nodes, visible mucous membranes, measurement of body temperature. Special D. include the study of internal organs, blood, urine, the contents of the stomach and intestines, cerebrospinal fluid, etc. Of the clinical methods of D., inspection, palpation, percussion, probing, catheterization, fluoroscopic and graphic studies (fluoroscopy, radiography, sphygmography, electrocardiography, etc.) are used. At D. infectious and parasitic diseases allergic diagnostic tests (tuberculinization, malleinization, etc.) are widely applied. In case of D. of a number of infectious diseases (anthrax, brucellosis, tuberculosis, botulism, tularemia, etc.), a bioassay is required (infection of living tissues and animals).

    Lit.: Clinical diagnosis of internal diseases of farm animals, ed. V. I. Zaitsev, 2nd ed., M., 1964.

    V. I. Zaitsev.




"Diagnostics" in Greek means "able to recognize"

  • Medical diagnostics - the process of establishing diagnosis, that is, conclusions about the essence of the disease and the patient's condition, expressed in accepted medical terminology.
  • Technical diagnostics is a field of knowledge that includes information about methods and means for assessing the technical condition of machines, mechanisms, equipment, structures and other technical objects.
  • Economic diagnostics is the process of recognizing a problem and designating it using accepted terminology, that is, establishing a diagnosis of an abnormal state of the subject, for example, diagnosing an organization's management system.
  • "Diagnosis" - a team of field hockey masters from Magnitogorsk.

Examples of the use of the word diagnostics in the literature.

And in pronounced cases, a person is involuntarily drawn immediately to diagnostics psychotype, and not just individual traits.

Antibody-antigen reactions are used to diagnostics various diseases, identification of microorganisms and certain substances.

While the National Aerial Photographic Bureau was digging through the morning image files, Stoll and Katzen were testing their network with detailed software. diagnostics.

At primary diagnostics biliary cirrhosis of the liver, it is necessary to exclude obstructive jaundice caused by gallstone disease, cancer of the head of the pancreas and Vater's nipple.

This will allow the development of methods diagnostics at the level of prognosis and prevention of not only glaucoma, but also other serious eye diseases - diabetic and hypertensive retinopathy, macular degeneration, cataracts, which are based on metabolic disorders.

Carefully, as, indeed, everything he did, Alexander Svyatoslavovich studied the principles of acupuncture and the search for active points, and then made a device for diagnostics.

He passed close enough to the drilling rover, which was currently turning around and testing its equipment after diagnostics showed that it was damaged by bouncing and rolling landing.

The miniaturization and microminiaturization of its elements, characteristic of modern electronics, makes it possible to obtain relatively small in size and even portable ultrasound systems of medical equipment. diagnostics, which allows them to be used not only in specialized clinics and hospitals, but even, for example, on ships. The author promised the reader not to touch on ultrasound therapy, but it is impossible not to mention some fresh and bold ideas put forward recently by domestic and foreign scientists.

But on the psychological diagnostics, which five comrades did not pass even on the third try, the mymry rested to death: we will not allow oligophrenics with imbeciles, why should we take responsibility for ourselves.

Wasserman - method diagnostics syphilis, developed by German microbiologists and immunologists August Wassermann and Albert Neisser in 1906.

A native of the planet Cinruss, a GNLO with a highly developed empathic sense, which, among other things, is simply invaluable in diagnostics and monitoring of unconscious patients.

Finds application in oncology for differential diagnostics tumors of the mammary, salivary and thyroid glands, diseases of the bones, cancer metastases to the bones and soft tissues.

Diagnostics bruxism was carried out on the basis of an analysis of the course of the antenatal period, anamnestic and documentary data on the state of health, characteristics of pregnancy and childbirth in mothers, postnatal development of the child, clinical and functional examination.

There are six main methods of radioisotope diagnostics: clinical radiometry, radiography, whole body radiometry, scanning and scintigraphy, determination of the radioactivity of biological samples, radioisotope examination of biological samples in vitro.

According to these symptoms, a neurological examination of the patient allows you to put an accurate topical diagnostics damaged area of ​​the brain.

Establishment and study of signs characterizing the state of building structures of buildings and structures to determine possible deviations and prevent violations of the normal mode of their operation. Source: SP 13 102 2003: Rules ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

DIAGNOSTICS- (this see the previous next). In general, the definition of the distinguishing features of objects; in particular, the part of medicine that has the subject of determining the type and signs of diseases. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

diagnostics- testing, checking, testing, recognition, test, test Dictionary of Russian synonyms. n diagnostics, number of synonyms: 42 auto diagnostics (1) … Synonym dictionary

diagnostics- Procedures and systems that detect and isolate errors and malfunctioning devices, networks and systems. diagnostics (ITIL Service Operation) A stage in the life cycle of an incident or problem. ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

Diagnostics- - establishment and study of signs characterizing the state of building structures of buildings and structures to determine possible deviations and prevent violations of the normal mode of their operation. [SP 13 102 2003] Diagnostics… … Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

Diagnostics The science of disease recognition and diagnosis. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

DIAGNOSTICS- (from the Greek diagnostikos capable of recognizing) the doctrine of the methods and principles of recognizing diseases and making a diagnosis; diagnosis process... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

DIAGNOSTICS- DIAGNOSIS, diagnostics, female. (honey.). Branch of medicine, the doctrine of methods of diagnosis. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

DIAGNOSTICS- DIAGNOSIS, and, for women. 1. see diagnose. 2. The doctrine of the methods of diagnosis. 3. Establishing a diagnosis. Laboratory d. Early d. of the disease. | adj. diagnostic, oh, oh. D. analysis. Diagnostic service. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

DIAGNOSTICS- female, Greek recognition, recognition; determination of signs and mutual differences of works of nature; knowledge will accept: recognition of diseases, by seizures and phenomena. Diagnostic, related to diagnosis, recognition. Male diagnostician... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Diagnostics- 1) the doctrine of the methods and principles of disease recognition and diagnosis; the process of making a diagnosis; 2) establishing and studying the signs of any objects or complex systems to characterize their state, predict possible ... ... Emergencies Dictionary


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