Motorcycle color. Motorcycle color

Hi all! Guests of "" our team is happy at any time of the day. Today, the section of this web resource called "Questions and Answers" helps to determine many of the intricacies of repairing or improving iron horses, as well as to learn theory from the world of bikers.

Motorcycle color

What color is better to paint the Izh motorcycle, only your heart will tell you. If you want to ignore your own tastes and go with the flow of someone else's opinion, then we will help you find the most popular color of motorcycles from Izhevsk.

If your bike has not been upgraded with a modification of the main moto components, you can safely leave your native color. For Jupiter and Planet 5 models, the presence of a standard red factory color will be quite acceptable. In addition, older models of these single- and twin-cylinder steel steeds can also be left in dull green and dull blue.

If you have carried out a significant tuning of the motorcycle with the replacement of the tank, front fork, etc., all this can be painted in metallic color. What color is better to paint the Izh motorcycle for a more elegant look, we will also tell you.

Alternatively, you can paint the engine black. This will complement those bikes, the frame of which is also black. Note that individual parts of Izhmoto's products have different colors. This emphasizes the originality of the iron horse and makes it rather elegant.

What color is better to paint the Izh motorcycle will be prompted by the photos below. Thanks to them, you will surely pick up all sorts of shades to your taste.

June turned out to be quite warm outside. +30 in the sun and +40 in the body =D
The vacation has just begun and I sold my moped, which means it's time to make a beaver.

Part 2 Cleaning and painting the engine
Before painting the engine, it was required to wash it. But how to do it!? After reading a large number of manuals for cleaning the engine, watching hundreds of videos, I decided to try Fairy. To be honest, the result was depressing, not only did not wash the oil, but rather smeared it.
Literally a couple of days later, friends bought Karcher, took a concentrated shampoo, the dirt washes off with a bang! Even aluminum parts darken the engine when sprayed. Well, I think everything will definitely wash off ... Nothing like this happened. I spat on the whole thing, went to the nearest hypermarket in the department of household chemicals, bought some kind of thermonuclear compound, I remember exactly the production of "Israel" (I'll attach a photo if I find something), and it was quite expensive. Almost 400 rubles for a small balloon, and I took a toothbrush just in case of a fire, you never know.
Sprayed, smoked for 15 minutes, washed off… Voila

Further more…
Before painting, it was required to sand all the parts, and this was the problem. Because I didn’t want to spend money on sandblasting, I bought a bunch of skins and away we go. The first 20-25 minutes I didn’t really strain, 25-30 minutes I started smoking nervously, 30-40 minutes I wanted to take a sledgehammer. He spat on all this stuff and again went to the hypermarket, bought a nozzle for a drill and a set of skins for a nozzle for 300 rubles. The case is gone)))
After sanding, I carefully wiped all the cleaned parts with a degreaser, took the adhesive tape in my hands and ...

After gluing, I smoked a cigarette, crossed myself and began to paint. The paint lay down quite well, without smudges. Paint chose black, matte up to 600 degrees. The end result is this beauty.

It remains only to collect all this business ... =)

The IZH Jupiter-5 motorcycle was produced by the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant from 1985 to 2008. In the USSR, he was a direct competitor to the models of the well-known Czech motorcycle manufacturer Java. Many of the cars produced today travel on the roads of our country. They are reliable and unpretentious, however, their technical characteristics and appearance no longer meet modern requirements. Tuning IZH Jupiter-5 helps to correct the situation.

Need to be redesigned wisely

On the net you can find a lot of materials on this topic. But they should be treated with great caution. Some recommendations frankly contradict common sense, the result of other alterations may be unpredictable. Let's try to help with advice to those who decide to do the tuning of Jupiter 5 with their own hands.

There are several directions for making changes to the design of the popular model:

  • Correction of the appearance of the motorcycle.
  • Suspension modification or modification.
  • Engine tuning.

Let's consider each of them separately.

Motorcycle appearance correction

Appearance can be changed in many ways. Among the most common:

  • Fairing installation.
  • Fuel tank replacement.
  • Seat modification.
  • Motorcycle painting.

Fairing installation. This is the first thing that many fans of finalizing the appearance of motorcycles undertake. And although it is possible to cope with such a task, one should be aware that the development of such components is a complex task that requires specific skills. The enterprises employ entire groups of specialists involved in the design of fairings.

Previously, the methods of blueprint development were used for this, and today automatic design systems are used. Finished parts are blown in wind tunnels so that their behavior in the air stream can be evaluated.

A person who does not possess specific skills, despite all his talents, is highly likely to receive a result of dubious quality. The surface of the fairing will be uneven, which is clearly visible on the photos posted on the network illustrating the tuning of Jupiter 5. The aerodynamics of a motorcycle may not improve, but deteriorate. Consider all this before you decide to take on the manufacture and installation of the fairing.

Fuel tank replacement is a perfectly justified decision. But do not try to make a complex part yourself. This is not an easy task even for enterprises with special technological equipment. It is wiser and easier to pick up a ready-made fuel tank from some other motorcycle model.

Seat modification. You can try to make a change to the standard design by dragging it with a new material like leather or a good substitute, and installing a new filler. But the original seat has a significant mass. To reduce the weight of a motorcycle, it makes sense, as in the case of a fuel tank, to pick up a part from another technique.

Painting IZH Jupiter-5 is a good thing. Here you can let your imagination run wild. But the best results can be achieved if you know the laws of color combinations or consult with a professional designer. Otherwise, instead of a stylish combination of contrasting colors, you can get eye-patch colors.

If you are interested in durable paintwork, first apply a layer of high-quality primer and refuse to use nitro paint, preferring alkyd or polyurethane enamels.

Suspension modification and modification

The original suspension of the IZH Jupiter-5 motorcycle is reliable and has good maintainability. It is not difficult to restore it, but the best results can be obtained by making some changes to the design.

Installation of adjustable gas shock absorbers. Today on sale it is easy to find gas shock absorbers that are suitable in terms of parameters, which can be used in the design of the rear suspension for tuning IZH Jupiter-5. Ideally, you can improve driving comfort and improve the stability of the car on the track.

Front fork replacement. This is also possible, but most likely, it will require alteration of its fastening.

Installing another steering wheel not forbidden if it does not impair the ergonomics of the rider's seat.

Engine tuning

A two-cylinder two-stroke engine installed on a motorcycle with a working volume of 347.6 cubic meters. see most often has air cooling. The number of models released in recent years of production, which used liquid cooling, is negligible. The power that the engine develops is 24 hp. With. - can be increased by making some simple improvements:

  • Raise the compression ratio removing about 1.5 mm from the adjacent plane of the block head. But this will require a transition to fuel with an octane rating of AI-95 and changes to the design of the crank mechanism. First of all - the replacement of the crankshaft bearings. And you will also have to pick up spark plugs with a different glow number.
  • Replacing crankshaft bearings. There is an opinion that only high-quality imported bearings can cope with the increased loads. In fact, domestic developers have installed bearings with a large margin of safety. If you manage to purchase high-quality Russian analogues, they will do the job perfectly. Trying to change the size of the crankshaft journals is simply harmful. The thickness of their hardening layer is small, and when more than 1 mm is removed from the neck surface, the life of the part will sharply decrease.
  • Replacing or modifying pistons. The stock parts aren't that bad. Do not rush to look for a replacement. To increase power, it will be enough to lighten the pistons by removing molding flash and excess material from them. Parts should be carefully adjusted by weight. It is desirable that the difference does not exceed hundredths of a gram. Such a simple engine tuning will be more effective than installing a zero-resistance air filter or a straight-through muffler. Although forward flow on IZH Jupiter-5 can, of course, be installed.
  • Installing another carburetor. If possible, it's worth shelling out for a good Mikuni carburetor. Do not go for a large diffuser size. The standard diameter of 32 mm will be quite enough. But it’s definitely worth removing the protrusions on the intake and exhaust manifolds and polishing the internal channels of these parts. This will give not only an increase in power, but will also help reduce fuel consumption below five liters.
  • Replacement of the ignition system. only makes sense if you intend to use imported components. Most likely, the quality of domestic components will reduce all the advantages of a contactless ignition system to zero and the alteration will not give the desired result.

Keep in mind that the increased power will improve the acceleration dynamics of the motorcycle, but will not give a significant increase in speed. To increase the speed, you will have to change the gear ratios of the transmission, selecting other sprockets for the gearbox and rear wheel.

Not tuning, but restoration

However, modernization is not the only way for owners of a popular model. After all, the age of many motorcycles has already exceeded two decades, which means that they can already be classified as rare. The restoration of IZH Jupiter-5, its restoration and bringing it to its original state are also fully justified.

An iconic bike that looks like it just rolled off the assembly line yesterday will be just as eye-catching as the tuned version. That's just how to restore equipment by performing its qualified repair, it often turns out to be much more difficult than remaking it to your taste.