Do-it-yourself mobile home, camping options. Do-it-yourself camper: options and design stages Turning a beam into a do-it-yourself camper

Making your own camper is not too difficult for an experienced craftsman. But the terms of such construction can be greatly delayed due to the constant improvement of the design. In order not to get into such a situation, you should think over the interior in advance, abandoning obviously unnecessary elements. This is especially important when equipping small cars, for example, when creating a do-it-yourself home on wheels from a GAZelle.

The mobile home has undeniable advantages - comfort, coziness and mobility. Moscow is a noisy city, from which you sometimes want to leave. Trailer owners do not have to look for a place to sleep, and travel becomes very economical. If earlier it was not possible to use this original housing, you should first familiarize yourself with their classification.

Types of motorhomes and their classification

When choosing the type of future mobile housing, you can be guided by its division according to:

  • mind - there are trailed, van or motorhomes combined with a car;
  • class - there are three classes of comfort for motorhomes;
  • type of trailer - there are trailer trailers, hybrid and fifth-wheel trailers.

If everything is clear with the trailer type of a mobile home, then the difference between a van and a combined motorhome is not immediately visible. In the first version, the living quarters are located in the van of the car and are separated from the driver's seat.

This option is suitable when traveling together, when no one stays in the "house" for the duration of the journey. Thanks to this design, it is possible to fit more functional furniture using a blank front wall.

Motorhomes converted from GAZelles or minibuses are just combined.

The comfort class can be called conditional. So, class “A” motorhomes include spacious trailers made on the chassis of large trucks. Outwardly, they resemble a bus, they can have folding structures, but inside they do not differ in functionality from a small-sized apartment.

It should be borne in mind that the driver must have category "C" rights to drive this transport.

There is much less space in it, but it is still convenient to travel in them. What is important is that you can drive such a car with category B rights if the weight of the car or the total weight of the car with the trailer does not exceed 3.5 tons.

Class "C" indicates the simplest motorhomes. It can be a small trailer or a minibus converted into a camper. There is no separate sleeping place - its function is performed by folding sofas or armchairs. But by equipping such a mini camper with a trunk-tent, a folding canopy and a set of camping furniture, you can get a comfortable stay at a minimum cost.

Such construction trailers are also called hybrid trailers to distinguish them from simple trailers. Separately, it should be noted fivsvill-trailers, the shape of which is designed to be used in conjunction with pickups. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the length of the entire caravan, because part of the trailer hangs over the car body.

Mistakes when building houses on wheels with your own hands

Prices for mobile homes significantly "bite". No wonder the desire of skilled heads of families to save the budget and do everything themselves. It is important to be wise and learn from the mistakes of others:

  • you should not do everything from improvised materials - you will have to live in the house for at least a week and you want to spend your vacation in comfort;
  • a serious revision of the body, heating system, wiring will be required - one cannot do without the skills of an auto mechanic;
  • if you still managed to fit a shower and toilet, do not forget about the drain tank - pouring dirty water onto asphalt or lawn is extremely unethical;
  • it’s better not to forget to make a connector for connecting 220V at campsites, and a converter for 12V from the car battery.

Making a trailer on your own

If the difficulties do not frighten, and the desire for action is unstoppable, you can try your hand at building a house. And to remake a GAZelle or build a trailer from scratch - the choice is strictly individual!

Do-it-yourself house on wheels from a GAZelle

To work, you will need a grinder, a welding machine, a hand saw for wood and a lot of patience. The phased modernization of the car looks like this:

  1. The seats are taken out of the cabin, the old trim is removed. All metal parts are treated with a special solution to prevent rust. The walls and ceiling are insulated with polyethylene foam, plywood sheets are laid on the floor. All wiring runs under the floor and wall sheathing, this should be thought out in advance.
  2. A frame for furniture is welded directly in the body. If it is impossible to set the car straight, you can use a pipe as a level, resting its ends against the lower edge of the window openings. After rough welding, the frame is removed and everything is welded, cleaned and again brought inside.
  3. Window openings are glued with carpet. Ceiling panels glued with carpet are also installed. After completing the upholstery of the cabin, you can fasten the slats under the mezzanine and mount the furniture frames.
  4. For the front seats, you can make a swivel mechanism. To do this, you need a front hub, for example, from a VAZ and part of a swivel rack. The circuit is pretty simple.
  5. The final stage is the installation of furniture on the frame, the connection of lighting, the installation of a pump for the kitchen washstand, the lining of the mezzanines and minor interior improvements. For cooking, you can put a small gas stove on one burner.
  6. Instead of welding the furniture frame, you can use ready-made sets, reinforcing them from the inside with corners and additional screws. You also need to attach the kitchen to everything - the floor, the sofa, the wall. This is done to protect furniture from loosening while driving on bumpy roads.

We should not forget that such a modification of the car requires registration in the REO. To do this, you need to write an application and get a resolution from the technical department of the traffic police and a protocol from an authorized organization.

Stylish plywood trailer house

If the car has a towbar, it’s a sin not to take advantage of the situation and not make a nice “drop” trailer for spending the night outside the city. For this:

  1. The side walls of the future van are cut and attached to the base. All openings for doors and windows, as well as for lightening the frame, must be cut in advance, so it is better to think over the drawing well.
  2. Shelves are assembled from a furniture board and installed on the base. The same shelves will serve as the front and rear walls of the van.
  3. According to the shape of the van, a plywood sheet is bent over the shelves on both sides, and a power frame made of timber is fixed on top. One side is liftable, giving access to the kitchen.
  4. Cut out the top hatch and skylight. The entire frame is insulated, wiring is laid.
  5. Everything is glued on top with veneer sheets. When the door and window openings are cut out, you can proceed to the exterior painting and varnishing.
  6. Doors, an upper hatch and supply and exhaust ventilation are installed. After fixing all the fittings, side lights and fenders for the wheels, you can safely go on a trip!

And the video shows a detailed assembly of a motorhome with the installation of solar panels:

If you decide to make your own motorhome, you will need some basic knowledge, tools, a lot of patience and even more free time. And, of course, a reliable vehicle for building a camper.

This article contains some photos of a do-it-yourself motorhome built on the basis of a Volkswagen car. Most of the tips can be applied during the construction of motorhomes based on other cars.

Before you begin, it is very important to read the next paragraph!

IMPORTANT! Before you start creating a camper with your own hands, it is necessary to legalize the implementation of such a procedure. In this case, you can prevent various legal difficulties. The rules vary by country, so we cannot publish uniform recommendations on this matter.

First steps

Building a house on wheels with your own hands consists of the following steps:

  • outdoor work
  • Internal work
  • Water works
  • Gas and electricity
  • Furniture
  • Other

If the van is operated by only two people, there will really be a lot of space. If you are planning a trip of 3 or more people, you need to consider the number of seats. Remember that seats should be equipped with appropriate seat belts.

How many places to sleep will you need? One option is to arrange a bunk bed for children. If you have a reserve of space under the roof, you can make a “drop-down” bed.

At this stage, you should have a clear plan for what to do next. Of course, you can improvise, but it's much easier to have a well thought out plan on paper.

outdoor work

The first thing to do when preparing a base vehicle is to thoroughly clean the inside of the vehicle.

At this stage, you also need to consider the shape of the body as a whole. It's time to deal with damage to the body, rust. Local or full car painting will help.

As a rule, vans do not have windows, so you can think about installing them. They are needed to ensure the flow of fresh air and sunlight into the motorhome. Windows come in different shapes and sizes, the choice depends on your preferences and body features.

During the construction of a motor home, you will have to make several holes in the car body. These are openings for ventilation, gas outlet (in case of leakage), heater exhaust gases, water fillers, etc. Some of them can be done later, but it's much easier to resolve the issue now if you know exactly where they will be.

Remember to apply a primer to all areas where bare metal appears to prevent corrosion.

Build your own motorhome the right way!

Internal work

Most likely, the van will have a partition behind the front seats. Some partitions are fastened with screws, others are welded to the body. "Bulgarian" will help to solve the problem.

Remember to use protective equipment. Sparks can leave unpleasant stains on the glass that cannot be removed.

The most interesting begins. The insulation layer is very important as it will protect your camper from external noise and temperature. There are many materials that can be used. The choice is up to you.

In this case, it was used material Armaflex. It should be cut into pieces and glued. The main point is moisture protection. If the insulating material does not protect against moisture ingress, it should not be used.

It is necessary to prepare insulating material, lightweight and waterproof plywood, as well as soft and flexible carpeting.

Thicker plywood should be used for the side covers, as furniture will be installed on them in the future.

Use an adhesive or sealant with a wide temperature range to secure the insulation and carpeting to the side walls. Because the camper van will be exposed to both sub-zero temperatures and the hot summer sun. The operation of the heating will also be affected. In the case of using low-quality glue, the work will have to be redone again after a while.

Where to begin? Start sheathing the motorhome, starting from the roof and ending with the floor covering. First, we mount the insulating and facing layers on the ceiling, then move on to the side panels.

Use wood planks on the floor to create enough space for insulation. The slats are fixed to the floor with an appropriate sealant. Then a layer of insulation is laid, after which it must be covered with plywood. Plywood is fastened with sealant or screws.

Be aware of the water supply, as well as the need for laying electrical cables and gas pipes. Wires and hoses can be run through insulation or under plywood covers if you already know where all the appliances will be installed.

Water works

The mobile home must have a supply of cold running water. To do this, two cans of water are installed under the sink. A submersible pump supplies water to the faucet.

If you need warm water, an extra sink or shower, the system will be more complex. You can install large water tanks in another place, for example, under the van. You will need hoses to connect the entire system.

When you make your own motorhome, you are only limited by your imagination.

Don't forget waste water. You can mount an appropriate tank under the car, or run a hose through the floor to drain water into a portable tank or regular bucket.

Remember that used water smells terrible in summer and freezes in winter. Therefore, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible, so a bucket can be an ideal solution.

How about a toilet? You can install one of the handy portable toilets.

Gas and electricity

IMPORTANT! Gas supply hoses and electrical wiring must only be installed by qualified personnel! If installed incorrectly, they can be a serious hazard. Make your own motorhome, but don't put other people at risk.

Propane in the camper can be used for cooking, heating, as well as connecting the refrigerator. You can do without it, using an electric stove and refrigerator, as well as a Webasto autonomous heater.

The gas cylinder must be stored in a separate place with holes in the bottom. Why should there be holes at the bottom? Because propane is heavier than air, so it will always go down.

You can even make a valve to connect the gas stove outside the car so that you can cook outside of the van in the future.

Again, build the camper properly for your own safety!

Electricity required to run all devices designed for 12V. The system consists of a battery, charger/converter, control panel and lots of wires.

Do not forget about the external connector for charging the motorhome battery from a conventional power supply (110V or 220V). You can also use it at home by charging the battery during winter storage.

In order to determine how much battery capacity you need, you will have to perform simple calculations. Let's say you'll use the following:

  • Halogen lamps: 2×20W 2 hours per day = 80 Wh
  • Refrigerator: 45W 12 hours a day = 540 Wh

The total power consumption is 620 Wh per day. Now divide 620Wh by 12V and you get 52Ah. This is your daily power consumption. As a rule, a 100Ah battery will last for about two days of battery life.

Make calculations considering the energy consumers you use. This will help you get average daily electricity consumption figures.

Gas and electricity are very important issues to consider when building a camper. If you plan to operate a motorhome for traveling away from civilization, autonomy should be maximum. Take your time, think carefully and calculate everything.


In this matter, you are also not limited by anything. You can boldly realize your dreams. There are many ways to make and install furniture.

Sometimes quite suitable furniture is found at various disassemblies, we advise you to look. Good offers sometimes appear on online auctions, and furniture is sometimes sold at a very affordable price.

You can also design everything from scratch. Some firms sell ready-to-install parts, veneered. You only have to apply varnish (if necessary) and install furniture. You can also contact a professional to help you with this matter.

A motorhome on wheels, and even equipped with your own hands, is the dream of many lovers of auto travel and outdoor activities. It provides its owner with amazing freedom when traveling, eliminating the need to search and book a hotel, purchase tickets, pack suitcases, etc. In addition, owning a motorhome makes it easy to travel even with a large family, including pets - for this you need to use the appropriate furniture usually transforming.

When the motorhome-trailer on wheels first appeared on the road, it is rather difficult to answer. The first such experience was implemented by Jennings back in the 38th year of the last century, although home-made models of motorhomes appeared much earlier. All motorhomes on wheels can be equipped with almost all the necessary attributes of a familiar and comfortable life - bathroom, shower, gas stove, full bed, which are present even in the smallest motorhomes, which in Russia are often based on a budget gazelle.

Depending on what type the motorhome on wheels belongs to, it can be:

  • trailed;
  • van;
  • combined.

A fairly common practice at present is the hand-made conversion of a suitable transport, the same domestic gazelle, into comfortable motorhomes for traveling. But before you make a do-it-yourself motorhome on wheels, you need to determine the main purpose of the conversion - long or short-term residence in a motorhome, as well as select or manufacture the appropriate furniture.

RV classes

According to the generally accepted classification, all motorhomes on wheels are divided into three main classes:

Attention! Any motorhome of class "A", made on the basis of a bus or truck, according to the transport classification, requires the driver to have a category "C" license from the driver.

Speaking about the classification of motorhome trailers, the following concepts should be distinguished:

trailer tent

A homemade motorhome on wheels does not have to be expensive and difficult to manufacture, especially if it is used relatively rarely and for a small number of people. Some types of motorhomes do not even require the installation of furniture, and are used as a sleeping place. In order to independently make a motorhome trailer, you will need to make some effort and a sufficient amount of time.

The main "power" element of such a motorhome - a frame, can be purchased ready-made, or you can assemble it yourself, which will require skill and certain technical knowledge. When self-manufacturing, special attention should be paid to the anti-corrosion treatment of all steel elements of the future motorhome.

The frame, mounted on a chassis prepared for a motorhome, can be either steel or wood. When creating it, the main attention should be paid to the quality of the connection of parts, since when such a trailer-motorhome moves, the entire structure will be subjected to serious dynamic and vibration loads. Inside such a motorhome, you can place a fairly comfortable sleeping place, and at the time of rest stops, the design of the motorhome unfolds, and a tent is quickly set up on top. Such a motorhome on wheels, the photo of which is presented below, is optimal for short trips and simple outdoor recreation.

Another version of the device of such a trailer can be viewed on the video:

How to make a do-it-yourself motorhome on wheels

In order to make a motorhome on wheels with your own hands, you can use any minibus, truck or even a bus. In order to create it, you will need to make a lot of effort, time, and be prepared for quite serious material investments, which later will more than pay off with the comfort when traveling in your own motorhome.

The process of turning a standard gazelle into a motorhome on wheels will necessarily be accompanied by a number of works that are mandatory:

In the case when a trailer-motorhome is created for the purpose of long journeys, it is desirable to provide a good audio-video system and satellite TV. If financial opportunities allow, it would be a good option to install solar panels that will extend the life of the generator.

Attention! In most cases, converting a vehicle into a motorhome trailer requires you to legalize all the "alterations" in order to avoid legal problems in the future.

Internal work

Many lovers of traveling with comfort are interested in the question - how much does a motorhome on wheels cost in Russia, but having learned the cost of the finished version, they prefer to create a motorhome with their own hands. And this is not without meaning, since making a motorhome on wheels from a gazelle with your own hands is within the power of any person who is ready to make a certain amount of effort and spend his time on it.

The first thing that needs to be done inside the cabin of the future motorhome on wheels is to dismantle the partition located behind the passenger seats. If it is bolted, there will be no problems, but if a welded joint is used, a grinder will be required. After dismantling, the interior should be completely freed from interior decoration. In parallel with this, it is worth checking the metal parts for the presence of foci of corrosion. Take measures to eliminate them, bearing in mind that it will be much more difficult to disassemble a finished motorhome.

Before proceeding with the insulation and interior decoration of the motorhome, you should carefully consider the water and electricity supply system, since it is better to hide all pipes and electrical cables under the casing - this will avoid their accidental damage. After that, a gazelle-based motorhome requires serious insulation. In addition to special materials with vibration and thermal insulation characteristics, basalt mineral wool or extruded polystyrene foam can be used for motorhomes.

An important point in finishing a motorhome on wheels inside and out is the protective treatment of the material used. So, additional metal elements outside the motorhome must have high-quality anti-corrosion treatment. The elements of the inner lining are usually made of wood. For their processing, it is recommended to use a special fire and bioprotective impregnation, which will prevent the spread of flame, will not allow the formation of a fungus, which may simply be impossible to get rid of.

Certain ideas for creating your own project can be "borrowed" from the manufacturers of such houses by watching the following video:

Gas and electrical equipment

Any motorhome on wheels - a Mercedes or a gazelle - requires special attention in terms of electricity and gas supply. You should not be naive to believe that without having the appropriate education, you can perform high-quality electrical wiring and install the appropriate equipment in a motorhome. The same applies to gas equipment.

For example, few people know that for a gas cylinder in any motorhome, it is necessary to “allocate” a separate closed zone, in the lower part of which there must be openings that communicate with the outside atmosphere. This allows propane, which is heavier than air, to “leave” the motorhome when it leaks from the cylinder, and not cause poisoning or fire in the cabin.

An important point for a motorhome is the correct calculation of battery power. To ensure maximum autonomy, the daily energy consumption of all devices present in the motorhome should be summed up. The resulting value in watts will need to be divided by 12 (V), resulting in a value in ampere-hours (Ah) - this is what is indicated on the battery and allows you to judge its power. So, when energy consumption in a motorhome is 50-60 Ah/day, it is optimal to purchase a battery of 120-150 Ah. Such a car-motorhome on wheels will be able to function offline for two days. It is advisable to provide an external socket for recharging the battery of the motorhome in the parking lots.


Despite the fact that at present it will not be a problem to buy ready-made furniture for a motorhome, according to reviews, it is not able to satisfy all the requests of car owners, especially those who create a motorhome on wheels according to their own drawings. Therefore, the best option is either its independent production, or an individual order for furniture production.

In most cases, self-made furniture is more optimal for a motorhome. Since for a small motorhome, for example, based on a standard gazelle or UAZ, not so much furniture is required, and it does not differ in particular complexity, you can save money at this stage of work. For the proper level of comfort in a motorhome, as a rule, the following furniture structures are made:

  • dining table, to save space in a small motorhome, it is better to use a folding option;
  • kitchen table with sink and work surface;
  • open shelves or drawers located under the ceiling of the motorhome;
  • if there is a toilet in a motorhome on wheels, you will need to make a partition with a door.

When a KAMAZ or a bus is taken as a base for a motorhome, the amount of furniture listed above increases. When making a motorhome on wheels with your own hands, to facilitate the task of determining the type and quantity of furniture, you can use special computer programs, or draw a detailed plan for the future layout of the motorhome on paper, where you can clearly indicate not only the type of furniture, but also its location.

How the most expensive mobile home can be designed can be seen in the photo - you can clearly see how refined and comfortable interior decoration can be.

When building a motorhome with your own hands, you should pay attention to the quality of materials. Yes, for furniture. it is desirable to use moisture-resistant materials that are resistant to household chemicals, since cleaning in any type of motorhome - from a bus, trailer or gazelle, will have to be done quite often.

At the moment, there are several classifications of mobile homes. The main design features can be divided into the following categories:

  • trailed;
  • caravan mobile home;
  • caravan house connected to transport.

Mobile modern houses can be divided into types not only by certain design features, but also by purpose. This category includes mobile homes that are used as permanent or long-term housing, as well as those that are intended solely for travel.

You can find more detailed information about what it is in a very useful and interesting article by our specialist.

There is another form of classification of modern motorhomes. They can be divided into three main categories:

  • C - small-sized, used for short trips;
  • C B - semi-integrated car houses;
  • B A - fully integrated.

The former are made on the basis of an ordinary SUV, the sleeping places here need to be transformed in a special way. Class B mobile homes are distinguished by a permanently located berth, which is located at the rear of the vehicle. Class A motorhomes are similar in appearance to ordinary buses. They are quite comfortable and, therefore, very expensive in terms of cost, if you buy them ready-made.

To save money, you can build a house on wheels with your own hands, using photos and special instructions as a guide. If you correctly follow the main stages of manufacturing a motorhome, you can get a vehicle that will have a large windshield, a fixed driver's seat, as well as special retractable partitions that form zones of different functionality and separately located sleeping places.

Below you will find information on how to make a do-it-yourself mobile home, which can be considered autonomous. Structures can be equipped with generators, have gas and a sufficiently large supply of water.

Stages of building a motorhome with your own hands

If you want to build a motorhome with your own hands, you should carefully follow the instructions provided. The following describes how to build a motorhome body depending on the base, how to properly equip it and equip it with all the equipment necessary for living and traveling.

Create a plan

Homemade mobile homes are quite serious structures. The process of their construction, here, as in any important event, you need to start with a detailed plan. It is at this stage of the work that the master must think through the most basic aspects of the case, all possible little things and draw up the most accurate drawing.

When making a motorhome from a trailer with your own hands, you must clearly adhere to all the points and rules indicated in the plan and drawings.

The total interior space of a building on wheels should be divided into three main areas:

  1. Dining room where you can eat, work on a laptop or read a newspaper at the table. Here you can place a small sofa, chairs and a table. These items should be easy enough to fold to take up a minimum amount of free space.
  2. Sleeping place. This is one of the important areas, as good sleep ensures activity and good mood. For the driver, night rest is very important, since his concentration and attentiveness depend on this, which directly affects the safety of movement in the daytime. It is advisable to equip this area with a comfortable bed, which should easily rise and free up space.
  3. Bathroom with toilet. To equip such a zone, you need to install a sink, a shower cabin and a modern dry closet.
  4. Kitchen. This zone occupies the minimum amount of space, since most of its elements are built-in. To ensure maximum comfort, you need to install two burners, a small sink, a countertop, a small refrigerator and a hood.

Due to the fact that the standard room of a motorhome is rather limited, its zones need to be integrated one into another. It is for this reason that a preliminary plan is so important, which must be carefully followed.

In the process of drawing up a plan, you need to carefully consider what interior items are really required, what you can refuse.

After that, everything desired, indicating the exact dimensions, is transferred to a sheet of paper. Further, the plan is drawn up according to the following principle:

  • the estimated area of ​​the motorhome is divided into pre-divided zones. For example, a bedroom needs more space than a kitchen;
  • the location of the bathroom and options for separating it from other rooms are noted;
  • all elements of furniture are drawn, as well as the methods of their fastening and folding options.

In the process of drawing and designating these areas of the room, it is imperative to take into account the dimensions of each element.

Do not forget also about free space. A mobile home should not be littered with things and pieces of furniture.

After drawing up a detailed and well-thought-out plan, after clarifying the size of the common room and pieces of furniture, you can proceed to the implementation of such a structure as a do-it-yourself mobile home from a trailer.

Base selection

Among the most affordable budget options that are best for everyone who likes to make something with their own hands, there are three most convenient designs. A do-it-yourself residential trailer can be made on the basis of a gazelle, a trailer with reinforced chassis and an old minibus. Let's look at two of them in more detail.


Making a motorhome with your own hands from a minibus should begin with a thorough cleaning of the body, with the removal of the upholstery. After that, you need to make special holes for ventilation, under windows and for gas supply. After these general preparatory work, you can begin special processes related to the arrangement of the residential area. The work of such a plan must be carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Alignment of dents present on the inner surface and priming of all metal parts of the base. This will prevent destructive corrosion.
  2. Internal surface - walls, ceiling and floor are covered with heat-insulating material.
  3. A moisture-resistant coating is laid on top.
  4. Gas and electricity are provided.
  5. Bathroom fittings are being made.
  6. The kitchen is being equipped, furniture is being installed.

Equally important is to get your travel van's engine and chassis in order. Due to the fact that this is a mobile vehicle, its ability to move should be given no less attention than the arrangement and comfort.


Making a camper from a trailer with your own hands is much more difficult than from a minibus. The main difficulty lies in the fact that the walls and ceiling need to be built from scratch. An approximate scheme of action in this case will be as follows:

  1. Chassis and trailer cleaning.
  2. Fastening to the base of the frame of the future motorhome.
  3. Covering the frame with a layer of plywood.
  4. Arrangement of the floor with the simultaneous use of thermal insulation.
  5. The structure is sheathed with outer material and covered with special moisture-resistant compounds.
  6. Roof arrangement.
  7. Construction of a drain, laying wires to provide the house with electricity.
  8. Installation of door and window openings.

All this is a general scheme for the implementation of a mobile home. Each stage will be discussed in more detail below.

External finishing works

Once the main body of the mobile home is complete, the main outdoor work can begin. It is very important to ensure that the campsite is kept as clean as possible. There should be no dust, dirt and significant defects. This is what guarantees the successful formation of the structure. The main points of outdoor work include:

  1. Removal of corrosion and various types of damage.
  2. Hole arrangement.

Speaking about the necessary openings, it can be noted that these are not only window openings, but also those designed for gas outlet, ventilation, water fillers.

Openings must be made in the process of arranging the camper. Otherwise, you may encounter certain difficulties.

The external arrangement of such a design as a do-it-yourself mobile home from a minibus or trailer consists in the following work:

  1. Creation of partitions between the main body and the front seats.
  2. Arrangement of internal insulation. Here you need to remember that the overall temperature and sound insulation inside the room will directly depend on the quality and proper installation of this material.
  3. Sheathing of the structure from the roof to the floor covering.

There are a wide variety of materials on the market today. The choice can be made based on personal preferences, environmental characteristics, general financial situation, as well as the type of body used.

Home equipment

The equipment of the motorhome lies in its mass in its internal arrangement. To make the house convenient and comfortable, you will need to bring water, electricity, gas into the house, as well as install certain furniture.

Water supply and bathroom

A prerequisite for the water supply of a structure on wheels is to ensure the supply of running water. To carry out this process, you need to install a couple of canisters under the sink and a compact pump that will provide the necessary flow of water to the faucet.

Thinking through the disposal of wastewater is the basic rule when arranging a full-fledged toilet. Their output can be carried out by means of a special hose located in the floor surface. A little engineering knowledge, and it will be possible not to drain the water manually into special portable tanks. Although many do.

As for the bathroom, the purchase and installation of a dry closet is considered the best option.


One or more special batteries can be fully responsible for the accumulation and storage of electricity in a wheeled house. These devices can be charged while the tractor is running or connected to external sources. When equipping a motorhome with electrical networks, a special place is occupied by modern inverters. These are special devices that are able to turn a direct current with a voltage of 12 V into an alternating current equal to 230 V. Due to this, devices operating from a 230-volt standard can be connected to a 12-volt network without any problems.

Heating and gas

The gasification of the described design consists in a simple installation of a gas cylinder in the room. To do this, you need to allocate a separate closed area. In its lower part, you need to equip special holes that go out.

Many of the car owners dream of their own motorhome on wheels, thanks to which you can easily travel with your family to various places. But a family cannot always afford to buy a motorhome, so many make it on their own. To do this, you need a little:

But, in addition to this, you should have a high-quality, and most importantly, reliable vehicle that can accommodate a motorhome on wheels.

So what needs to be done? Before you create a camper with your own hands, you should visit a legal consultation. Such modernization of the car requires legalization. Each country has different requirements.

The first step is a do-it-yourself camper

The whole process of creating such a structure can be divided into several stages:

  • performance of outdoor work;
  • performance of internal work;
  • provision of water supply for the camper;
  • supply and connection of gasification and electricity systems;
  • placement of furniture;
  • small works.

After that, you will be able to travel on campers at any free time.

Number of seats

As an example of creating a camper, let's take an ordinary average van. If the operation of the van will be carried out by only two people, there will be plenty of space. If the family has more people, then it is necessary to consider an additional number of places. Do not forget that all seats must be provided with seat belts.

Determine in advance how many beds your mobile home will have. There is a very good option to increase them. Arrange bunk beds inside. You can also make a bed that will "fall out" from under the roof. This will help save camper space.

At this stage of planning, you should have a clear plan of the internal structure. Of course, it will be possible to make your own adjustments during installation, but the basis must be thought out to the smallest detail.

Performing outdoor work

First of all, take care of the cleanliness of the inside of the campsite. The zone should not contain dirt, dust, significant defects. This will be the key to the successful formation of a motorhome.

You should also plan the form in general terms. In addition to the plan, you can make sketches on paper.

The body part rarely has windows, which is disastrous for camper travel. Plan where the windows are best placed for maximum visibility. In addition, they will open access to the flow of fresh air and allow the rays of the sun to penetrate, which will create additional lighting. Windows can be chosen in completely different shapes, types and structures. Everything will depend solely on your preferences, as well as the features of the body part.

Additional openings in the body

When creating a camper with your own hands, do not forget to make a few holes:

  • to remove gas in case of leakage;
  • for ventilation;
  • for output from the heater;
  • for water fillers.

Of course, it is possible to complete some of them after the creation of the camper, but this can already be much more problematic. It is best to do everything at once and in advance. But this should be done only when you are sure that these holes will be in those places.

Places with an open layer of metal should be immediately treated with a primer layer to prevent corrosion.

Execution of internal work

How to equip a camper inside? With your own hands, you should create partitions between the front seats and the main part of the body. But if you wish, you can not do them. The installation of the partition is also different. It can be fixed with screws or welded to the body itself. If necessary, use a grinder at this stage.

When operating the grinder, do not forget about safety equipment. Work with it carefully, especially if you are using the tool for the first time. Don't forget to wear safety goggles over your eyes and make sure the circle is secure. Also, in the process of working with the grinder, sparks will fly, which, when they hit the glass, will create defects. Therefore, take care in advance to securely close it.


The insulation layer for a mini camper is very important. The temperature inside, as well as sound insulation, will depend on its quality and proper installation. There are a large number of materials from various companies on the market. Their choice will be exclusively individual, based on the characteristics of the environment, financial situation, body type.

The insulation must be cut into small pieces and carefully glued. The main feature and the main one is protection against moisture ingress. If the insulation layer does not cope with its immediate responsibility, remove it.

To cover the hull, prepare in advance:

A thick layer of plywood should be used on the side covers. This is done so that it can withstand the weight of the furniture that will be mounted directly on it.

On the side walls, it is necessary to apply an adhesive that can withstand a wide range of different temperatures. Use it to glue the insulation to the side walls as well. Glue for different temperatures is used because the van will be operated in various conditions: both in severe frosts and in the scorching summer sun. Additional heating is provided. If the adhesive does not have all the necessary properties, then the sealant and coating will simply disappear.

Camper trim

The sheathing of the motorhome begins from the roof itself to the flooring. First of all, we install the insulating and facing layer, and only after that we smoothly proceed to If you equip only a winter camper, then the sealant layer should be increased and additionally compacted.

To ensure sufficient space for insulation, wooden planks should be used, which are mounted to the floor. Fasteners must be carried out using a special sealant corresponding to the coating. After that, a layer of insulation is laid, and then they are covered with plywood. The plywood itself is attached with screws or sealant. Do not forget about the location of the water supply, gas cables and electric cables.

Water supply

A prerequisite for the water supply of a mobile home is that it must have a supply of running water. To do this, install a couple of canisters of water under the sink. The installed pump will produce the required flow of water to the faucet.

If desired, the camper can be provided with hot water. This will be convenient if you want to place a shower. To do this, you need to put large tanks of water under the body of the motorhome. To connect the heating system, you will need to purchase and install additional hoses.

Don't forget about wastewater. They can be removed using a hose placed in the floor, or they can be drained into a portable tank. The container should be emptied as soon as possible, because in the summer it will go away from it and in the winter it will simply freeze. You can also install a toilet.

Gasification and electricity

The installation of the gas and electric hose must be entrusted exclusively to qualified specialists. At the slightest mistake of self-installation, this can lead to a disastrous outcome.

A propane tank can be used for cooking. You can do without it by replacing the container with a conventional electric stove. It is necessary to store a cylinder in a separate place.

The camper's power system consists of a charger, a battery, a control panel and a wiring system.

Gasification and electricity in a motorhome type "camper-trailer" plays a very important role. In the case of a trip to nature far outside the city, the autonomy of both systems should be at the maximum level.


If you wish, you can use absolutely any furniture that you like. You can purchase elements of new furniture or design and make it yourself.

Almost everyone who has a camper leaves extremely positive reviews. You can create more than just a small family motorhome. It is also quite possible to make huge off-road campers. The choice is yours!