How to fill out the waybill form 4c. We fill in a new waybill for a truck. The procedure for filling out a waybill for a truck

A truck waybill 4 s is used for the carriage of goods and payment for the transport services rendered and the driver's salary at piece rates. Here you will find the completed form of the waybill and the detailed procedure for its execution.

Form 4 sections with

Waybill 4-c consists of several sections. Based on them, they keep records of the working hours of freight transport and the driver. It also takes into account the fuel consumption of the car. To do this, the sheet has the following sections:

  • the work of the driver and the car;
  • fuel movement;
  • task for the driver;
  • the sequence of the task;
  • the result of the work of the car and trailers.

Waybill 4-c: sample filling

Next, you will find a sample of filling out a waybill 4 s, which will be needed if the organization transports goods with the condition of paying for the work of the car at piece rates. This document can be used to record the work of transport and the driver, pay the driver and pay customers for transportation. The form has been modified taking into account new details: PSRN, pre-trip and post-trip medical examinations, technical inspections (

For freight transportation, a truck waybill is used in the form No. 4-C. How to issue it, we told in the article and gave a sample filling. B Waybill lank 4-C can be downloaded in a convenient Excel format.

For freight transportation, the company must draw up waybills, regardless of whether it uses its own transport or rented. Such documents are needed to write off fuel costs and calculate the salaries of drivers. If drivers receive payment for work at piece rates, they use the waybill form 4 C. The article contains instructions for filling it out.

Waybill Form (Form 4-C)

The waybill of a truck - form 4-C was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated November 28, 1997 No. 78.

It is not necessary to use the unified form. Companies and entrepreneurs can develop their own waybill form 2017. The main thing is that it contains the required details (orders of the Ministry of Transport of September 18, 2008 No. 152 and of January 18, 2017 No. 17). Record the use of non-standard documents in the accounting policy.

  • Reference
  • Mandatory details of the travel document:
  • name, date and validity of the document;
  • information about the owner of the car;
  • type and model of the vehicle;
  • state registration plate of the car;
  • odometer readings when leaving and entering the garage;
  • date and time of departure and arrival;
  • signature and full name of the employee who puts the odometer readings in the document, date and time;
  • Full name of the driver;
  • date and time of pre-trip and post-trip medical examination of drivers;
  • stamp, signature and full name of the medical worker who conducts the medical examination;
  • a mark on the pre-trip inspection of the technical condition of the machine with the date and time;
  • signature and full name of the inspector of the technical condition of the vehicle.

The procedure for filling out a waybill for a truck

How to fill out a waybill for a truck (sample filling 4-C at the end of the article) is prescribed in the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated November 28, 1997 No. 78. Form 4-C has one page on which you need to fill out both the front and back sides.

Waybill 4-C: front side filling

At the top of the document, put the company stamp (if any), the number and date of the document. Enter the name of the organization, its address, phone number and OKPO code. If required, fill in the code with the mode of operation, columns, and crews.

Please provide information about the vehicle below: make, registration number, garage number, information about the trailer (if any). After the information about the car, write down the data about the driver - full name, details of the driver's license and personnel number.

  • Important:
  • If the driver does not have a waybill during work, he faces a fine of 500 rubles. (part 2 of article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Car and car operation. In the table, write down the planned and actual time of departure and arrival from the fleet, the speedometer readings at the beginning and end of the work shift.

Fuel movement. Indicate in the table the type of fuel, the amount at the beginning and end of the shift, as well as the amount of fuel filled. If necessary, write down the fuel consumption ratio in relation to the company's standards. This coefficient can be found in the order to write off fuel and lubricants.

Driver task. Enter the name and address of the customer, where you want to deliver the goods, and the time of delivery of the car, the type of cargo and its volume in tons, the number of trips.

After the tables, put the amount of fuel needed.

Before leaving for the flight, the medical worker must examine the driver. If the admission is allowed, he indicates his position on the waybill, puts his signature with a transcript.

When leaving and returning, the mechanic checks the technical condition of the car. The transfer of the vehicle from him to the driver and back is carried out by transfer signatures.

In the section "Marks of the organization - the owner of the vehicle" write down information about the accident, repair, etc.

A sample of filling out a waybill for a truck in the form No. 4-C

Waybill 4-C: filling in the reverse side

The upper part of the reverse side is filled in by the carrier. He records information about all his routes during working hours: where, when and what time the vehicle arrived, the number and numbers of accompanying documents.

In the "Special Marks" section, the driver records information about the reason, type, duration of downtime. For example, the deviation of the travel time from the planned one and the excessive consumption of fuel occurred due to the difficult traffic along Prospekt Mira.

The lower part of the reverse side is filled in by the dispatcher or other authorized person. It records information on gasoline consumption, which are calculated according to the norm and in fact. Next, he puts the operating time of the vehicle with a breakdown by types of periods, the number of rides and arrivals in the garage.

The dispatcher also determines the mileage traveled, paints the total mileage and with the load, indicates the amount of the transported cargo.

Filled out truck waybill form

Truck waybill form (forms 4 s and 4 p)

Truck waybill form (forms 4 s and 4 p)

Under the waybill of a truck imply one of the elements of the circulation of documents in transport organizations. For the formation of waybills for trucks, so-called forms are used.

A waybill for a truck is mandatory for registration by companies providing services in the field of freight transportation, but does not require standardized compilation. Each of the firms can use its own version of the form, but at the same time take into account the main mandatory data established by the State Statistics Committee of Russia. According to sub. 2.1.1. clause 2.1 of Art. 2 of the Rules of the Road, the driver of Russia is obliged to show the waybill when checking by the police.

A truck waybill form can also be used in the accounting department of this transport company as a primary document.

Using the already completed forms of waybills, the accounting department of the company performs the following actions:

1) pays wages to drivers, taking into account the amount of work performed;

2) write off expenses for fuel and lubricants;

3) in some cases allocates funds to compensate for fuel costs if they use a personal car for work.

In some cases, the accountant is obliged to issue and fill out forms of waybills, as well as to store them and keep a specialized register of these documents.

The main types of forms for a waybill for a truck include forms of the 4 s and 4 p series. Form 4P is the most popular and was put into circulation by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated November 28, 1997 No. 78. Such a form of a waybill 4 p also serves to calculate wages payment to an employee working on a time basis or if the driver performs several orders in one shift.

In addition, the form of the waybill 4 s, approved by the State Statistics Committee in the above decision, is also used. It is used if the driver has signed a contract for the piecework performance of the work assigned to him, which is related to transportation.

Since the formulation and compilation of this form does not require full compliance with any standards or templates, both forms approved by the State Statistics Committee are allowed to be independently developed by companies providing gas transportation services. However, both forms were created taking into account the inclusion in their design of the details that are required for the waybill of a truck. You can download a free waybill form for a truck form 4 p on our website. In addition, you can also download the truck waybill form 4 s for free, which is easy to use and saves you time.

The list of required details for waybills should include the order of the Ministry of Transport of September 18, 2008 No. 152, which was subjected to the following changes at the beginning of 2017 (order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia of January 18, 2017 No. 17):

1) the main part of the form does not include the seal or stamp of the owner of the truck;

2) the date of the inspection before the flight, the technical condition of the vehicle with the signature of the specialist who conducted the inspection must be indicated.

But, despite these changes, it is not necessary to modify the old version of the waybill form, since it is allowed not to put the title stamp or seal in the title part, the place for the description of technical checks by the specialist has already been allocated earlier. All that is needed is to put the date and time of the inspection in the same column. And this does not require a separate column.

Unlike form No. 4-c (piecework), the waybill form No. 4-p (time-based) is used subject to payment for the operation of the car at a time-based rate. This form is designed for simultaneous transportation of goods to two customers within one working day (shift) of the driver. The tear-off coupons of the waybill are filled in by the customer and are the basis for the owner of the vehicle to present an invoice to the customer. Accordingly, such a tear-off coupon is attached to the account. The waybill itself, in which records are duplicated about the time the car was operated by the customer, remains with the owner of the vehicle. On the basis of the waybill, a record is kept of the operation of the car during the working day. Waybill No. 4-p is issued to the driver against receipt by an authorized person, subject to the delivery by the driver of the waybill of the previous day of work.

Truck waybill 4-p

In the case when inventory items will be transported with time-based payment for the operation of the car, the numbers of commodity-transport documents are entered into the waybill and one copy of these commodity-transport documents is attached, as a result of which the number of tons of cargo transported and other indicators reflecting the work are indicated. car and driver. Filling in the waybill before issuing it to the driver is carried out by the dispatcher of the organization or a person authorized to do so.


The rest of the data is filled in by employees of the organization that owns the vehicle and customers. Waybills in forms N 4-c and 4-p are issued to the driver against signature by an authorized person for only one working day (shift), provided that the driver has handed over the waybill of the previous day of work. The issued waybill must necessarily have the date of issue, stamp and seal of the organization who owns the car.


In the section "The work of the driver and the car" in column 5 "Speedometer readings", the mechanic of the checkpoint (checkpoint) or the technical control department (OTC) records the speedometer reading when the car leaves the line, and in column 6 "Actual time" with a clock stamp puts down the actual time of departure of the car from the garage. In the event of a malfunction or absence of a clock stamp, the time is recorded manually in the following sequence: day, month, hours, minutes.
4. In the “Fuel movement” section in column 12 “Balance at departure”, the mechanic of the checkpoint or quality control department records the amount of fuel in the car’s tanks at the exit, and certifies the correctness of all entries made with a signature in this column. 5. In the lines dedicated to the technical serviceability of the car, the mechanic of the checkpoint or quality control department certifies with his signature the transfer of the car to the driver in a technically sound condition and permission to leave the garage.

Truck waybill

In the line “Dispatcher's signature”, the dispatcher certifies with his signature that the details of the waybill filled in by him are correct and that the driver has a driver's license. Filling out the waybill before leaving the garage is carried out in the following sequence: 1.
In the section "Movement of fuel" in columns 9, 10 and 11 and in the corresponding lines, the tanker, a fuel and lubricants technician (POL) or an authorized person record the amount of fuel issued. 2. On the front side, a person authorized by the transport organization to carry out a pre-trip medical examination certifies with his signature the state of health of the driver and the possibility of allowing him to drive a car.


Truck waybill (form n 4-p)

If the car performs tasks for the implementation of intercity transportation, then the driver is issued a form No. 4-m. There are also special forms of waybills for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.

We will not touch on all of them, since the filling principle is almost the same, in addition, there are orders from the State Statistics Committee, which accountants, of course, know about. Completing a waybill for a truck The sheet is issued for one working day, except for those cases when the car is sent on long business trips. The number of the sheet and the date of its completion are entered in a special log book, for which the dispatcher is responsible. Information about the date of departure is entered into the waybill, the type of task is indicated - a business trip, work on a schedule, work on weekends or holidays, a column, a brigade, and so on.

How to fill out a waybill for a truck? - forms


It should be remembered that participation in filling out the waybill is not allowed, with the exception of signatures certifying acceptance (when leaving) and delivery (when the car is returned). by a person only for one working day (shift), subject to the delivery by the driver of the waybill of the previous day of work. The waybill is completed in the following sequence: 1.

Under the name of the document, the date of its issue (day, month, year) is recorded, which must correspond to the date of registration of the issued waybill in the journal. 2.

Waybill 4s or 4p

When transporting goods, the waybill of a truck is the main document of primary accounting, which, together with the consignment note, determines the indicators for accounting for the operation of the vehicle and the driver, for calculating the salary of the driver, as well as for making settlements with customers for transportation. We will tell you about the form 4-p "Truck waybill" in our consultation.

The truck waybill (form No. 4-p) was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of November 28, 1997 No. 78. You can download the 4-p truck waybill form from the link below: Waybill 4-p: download the form (free of charge) application and completion of form 4-p were also approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 1997 No. 78.

Form N 4-p (time-based) is applied subject to payment for the operation of the car at a time-based rate and is designed for the simultaneous transportation of goods to two customers within one working day (shift) of the driver. The tear-off coupons of the waybill are filled in by the customer and serve as the basis for the organization-owner of the vehicle to present an invoice to the customer. An appropriate tear-off coupon is attached to the invoice. The waybill remains in the organization that owns the vehicle, it repeats identical records about the time the car has been operated by the customer and serves as the basis for accounting for the operation of the vehicle during the working day.
In the “Fuel movement” section in column 15 “Rate change factor”, the dispatcher records one general coefficient of change in the fuel consumption rate for the entire day of the vehicle’s operation, associated with the operation of the vehicle at an increased fuel consumption rate, in column 16 “Special equipment operation time” and column 17 “Engine operation time”, on the basis of the relevant entries in the TTL attached to the waybill, respectively, records the operation time of special equipment and additional engine operation time under special operating conditions (engine operation that rotates loading and unloading mechanisms, etc.). These details are necessary to determine the additional rate of fuel consumption. The correctness of filling in these details the dispatcher certifies with a signature under the appropriate columns. 3.

Truck waybill 4p or 4s

Trips last for several days. Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of November 28, 1997 N 78 approved standard forms of waybills, including for freight transport. 4-s and 4-p. For piece workers and time workers. It is more convenient for me to use a 4-c waybill, although our salary is time-based. I do not fill out the "salary" section. I do not calculate the salary for each trip. To do this, there is a work schedule, timesheet, calculation. statement. How critical is it that instead of 4-p I give drivers a waybill 4-s? Can there be claims from the tax authorities? And yet, I understand correctly that if there are international transportation, the waybill will remain the same, there is no special submarine for international transportation? we used this for international transportation. Write in the UE which submarine you use, so there will be no questions Natalia, thanks for the answer.

Waybill 4p or 4s

Add here the cost of repairs, oil changes, punctured and worn out expensive tires - the amounts are very large. The waybill also allows the driver to correctly calculate his salary, the amount of which may depend either on the mileage or on the total time spent driving.

Truck Waybill Forms Here are samples of filling out, you can download blank blank sample forms at the very bottom of the page. To date, there are several forms of the sheet, approved in 1997:

  • form 4-c;
  • form 4-p;
  • form 4th.

Form 4-c is used if the driver's pay is piecework - the mileage and the number of flights performed per shift are taken into account.

Form 4-p - used for time wages, usually this form is issued if you need to make delivery to several customers.

If freight transportation is paid on a piece-rate basis, a 4-c waybill form is applied. The document helps to correctly calculate the amount of wages due to the driver and display fuel costs. Filling out this paper is divided into several stages.

  • The series and number on the form are set arbitrarily and additionally fixed
  • After the date indicate the code of works;
  • In the lines "Brigade" and "Column" the numbers of those divisions of the fleet to which the car or driver belongs are put down;
  • Vehicle data line: car make and registration numbers (state and garage);
  • Data about the driver: surname with initials, number of his driver's license, number according to the report card, driver's class;

If there are two drivers, then either two waybills are filled out, or both drivers are indicated in one document.

Waybill of a truck form 4-c - a sample of filling in for OJSC:

Sample waybill form 4-s.
  • If there is a license, the corresponding column is filled in with the series and number of the license card, its type is indicated (limited or standard);
  • In the column on trailers, the state and garage numbers of the trailer or semi-trailer are entered;
  • In the line "Accompanying persons" the names with initials of all employees accompanying the truck and the data of the documents on the basis of which the escort is carried out are noted;
  • In the column on the work of the driver and the car, information is entered on the time of departure and the time of the return of the car to the territory of the fleet;
  • The column "Assignment to the driver" is intended for notes about the location of the customer;
  • The line “At whose disposal” indicates the customer the person to whom the cargo driver will have to contact. A copy of the power of attorney for this person can subsequently be attached to the invoices;
  • "Time of arrival" refers to the hours and minutes of the vehicle's arrival at the customer's location. For a multi-day flight, the time schedule prescribed in the contract is fixed in this column;
  • Columns 20 and 21 reflect the actual addresses of the cargo loading and delivery points;
  • The line "Distance" is intended for data on the length of the route. Information on mileage can be obtained free of charge at any online transport exchange;
  • Specify the weight of the cargo in tons;
  • In the line “Issue fuel”, the amount of fuel required for operation is entered in words. This takes into account unused fuel over the past day.

If the company uses printing in its work, then stamping the document is mandatory. The waybill of a truck of an individual entrepreneur who organizes cargo transportation can be issued without an appropriate seal, which is not considered a violation.

How to exchange a truck for a passenger car and what is required for this, you can read

Truck waybill form 4-c: basic rules for filling out

H then fill it out before leaving?

  1. The Fuel Flow section must be completed by a tanker or a fuel and lubricants technician. The columns of the section indicate information about the fuel received upon the fact, in column 12 - the amount of fuel remaining in the tanks;
  2. On the front side of the waybill, a mark on the medical examination of the driver is affixed. Inspection and corresponding mark - the competence of an authorized person with a medical education;
  3. The specialist of the technical control department notes the “Speedometer readings” and the actual time the car left for the task;
  4. The paper also records information about the actual condition of the vehicle.

If any breakdowns occur during the work, the dispatcher also enters into the “Marks” information about the repairs made along the way, the spare parts used and the amount of costs for them.

Truck waybill form 4-c - you can download the form

What to fill out when returning to the fleet?

  1. In the section “Vehicle and trailer work”, the trips made, the amount of fuel consumed, the time spent on work and the actual mileage are noted;
  2. In the “Movement of fuel”, the OTK mechanic adds information about the amount of remaining fuel. The employee responsible for fuels and lubricants confirms the delivery of residues;
  3. After evaluating the condition of the machine (satisfactory or unsatisfactory), a mark is placed in the "Surrendered" column with the signature of the QCD mechanic.

You can find out how to fill out the journal of the cashier-operator form km-4 and download a sample of this document, you can

A sample of filling out a waybill for a truck.

What is filled in by the dispatcher?

  1. In the column "Zero mileage", the dispatcher enters data on the mileage from the gate of the fleet to the place of loading and from the unloading point to the garage;
  2. The rate change factor records the change in fuel consumption. Information about the operating time of the engine and the operation of special equipment is recorded on the basis of documented information. After filling in the appropriate columns, the dispatcher certifies them with his signature;
  3. Lastly, the "Sequence of task execution" is filled in. The controller records the total number of flights made.

And what types of business are the most profitable during the crisis period, you can read in our new article at the link.

The line "Commodity transport documents in quantity" shows the total number of waybills handed over by the driver. The driver of the car signs in the “Driver handed over” field, the dispatcher also signs in the “Accepted” field.

How to fill out a waybill for a truck of an individual entrepreneur and a legal entityin the 1C programYou can find out in the following video: