How does a pistol work at a gas station. How to properly use a gun at a gas station. How to refuel at a gas station

No need to fix it! Hold your hand. Click on the bracket, and fuel will go if you have everything paid for. If you suddenly order more tank capacity, the pump will turn itself off after the gun touches the liquid level. Don't forget to take it out before you get behind the wheel and drive away!

To fix the gun on the gas station, to begin with, it is inserted into the tank, then they go to pay, after that they press the handle and, if desired, snap the latch.

The gun must be inserted into the tank before payment, since the latch may already be latched in it, then after turning on the supply, gasoline will flow past the tank.

This applies to Russia or Ukraine. In most other countries, they fill up first, and then they go to pay.

The pistol fixation algorithm is as follows:

  • remove the gun from the column
  • pull the trigger-lever and with your finger press on the small lever located at the end of the trigger. From the first time it may not be fixed.
  • you can go pay. It is possible before payment and not to press the trigger, not to fix it, and after payment, go up and press, holding, and then just put the gun in place
  • if the trigger with the latch was pressed before payment, gasoline will begin to flow after payment. After that, the gun can be put in place, in principle, it should snap off on its own, as intended by the designers. But you never know.

Having a car and the need to refuel it make people master the equipment at gas stations. Of course, now more and more gas stations provide good service and a specially hired person fills up your car and provides other car services. But there are also gas stations without tankers where you have to refuel the car yourself and in the process of this you get the skills of refueling and fixing the gun at the gas station.

There are 2 “triggers” in the pistol, namely:

  1. Main (larger) for supplying fuel to the tank
  2. Retainer (small) for fixing the main

To fix the gun in the tank, you need to put it all the way into the tank, press the main “trigger” all the way and fix it with the small one. After these steps, there is no need to hold the gun until the end of refueling.

To fix the filling nozzle, you need to press the pump start-up tab with your fingers, and then, with the other hand, pull the ear towards you, which is located higher. As a result of such actions, the gun will be fixed. To release the gun from the fixation, you need to press the tongue again.

When we inserted the gun into the tank, it is necessary to press the trigger located on the refueling gun and thus we can fix it, while the latch must be moved back with the second hand. The whole process can also be seen clearly and in detail in the video.

In fact, refueling the car is not difficult if you familiarize yourself with the step-by-step procedure, which includes a certain set of the following actions:

As you can see, in order for the lever to be securely fastened, it is necessary to pay attention to a special latch, which is circled in the figure above.

In order to fix the filling pistol, you need to press the pump start-up tab, and with the other hand you need to take the metal eye located slightly higher towards you. As a result, the filling nozzle will lock into place. In order to return the gun to its original state, that is, to remove the fixation, you need to press the tongue again. If the tank is completely filled when refueling the car, the check valve will automatically work, which will remove the fixation of the fuel nozzle.

Now all modern gas stations are equipped with fixed filling nozzles - put it in the tank, pulled the trigger up and fixed it with a rotary plate. Now you can go and pay the cashier for fuel - the cashier will turn on the fuel supply and fuel will flow into the tank. When the required amount is spent or the tank is full, the system will automatically turn off the fuel supply. Now everything is simple and safe.

To fix the filling nozzle, you need to insert it into the tank and press the lever located above the handle all the way, fixing the rotary plate with your other hand.

The fixation can be released manually by pressing again, or it will be removed automatically when the maximum level of gasoline is reached.

We insert the gun into the gas tank.

To fix it, you need to press the pistol lever (in Figure No. 9) until it stops, the latch goes inward. Then we unhook the lever and the gun is fixed.

Only after that you can go to pay for gasoline.

As far as I understand, the design of the refueling nozzle does not provide for rigid fixation and this was done on purpose, for safety reasons, so that the driver does not leave during refueling and controls the process.

How does a gas station gun work?

To understand, let's do an "opening" - that's what it shows (Fig. 1). In addition to the expected main shut-off valve and fuel passage (shown in yellow), there is another thin passage inside (green). It communicates with the main channel immediately behind the valve seat, and is equipped with a jet at the end of the gun barrel. As soon as you press the lever, the valve opens the way for gasoline. Its flow (up to 120 l / min in pistols for trucks and up to 40 l / min in pistols with a thinner barrel for cars), passing by the opening of the signal channel, creates a vacuum in it (spray guns work on the same principle). However, it cannot be noticeable as long as air, together with gasoline vapors, is freely sucked from the tank neck through the jet. But as soon as the fuel level rises to the edge of the barrel, the vacuum will increase sharply and the diaphragm will rise up, releasing the piston with the cut-off spring. So a “shot” will be heard - the valve will hit the seat and block the flow of gasoline.

In some films, absent-minded (or malicious) characters leave the gas station, forgetting to remove the gun from the tank, after which the audience enjoys the spectacle of a huge fire. In life, this should not be so, therefore, protection with automatic valves is installed on each hose (Fig. 2). Most often, it is the gun that is “assigned” to come off - just one valve on the hose side is enough. Less commonly, they protect the place at the column itself, then the device has two valves on each side. And at American gas stations, where hoses hang "from the ceiling", protection is placed in the middle. We do not advise anyone to repeat the movie stunt. Firstly, the breaking force is about 150 kg, so the neck will have a hard time, and secondly, the restoration of the protection device is an expensive procedure that is performed only by a specially called specialist ...

In conclusion, so that no one has any doubts about the legal nature of the incident associated with tearing off a filling nozzle, let's say that in Russia there is extensive judicial practice to attract drivers who tore off the gun and left the gas station, under Part 2 of Art. 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - "Leaving by the driver, in violation of the Rules of the Road, the scene of a traffic accident, of which he was a participant."

Now let's find out if the driver is at fault in this incident?

It clearly follows from the SDA that the driver, before starting to move, is obliged to make sure that his maneuver is safe, not to create a danger to traffic and not to cause harm. It is clear that driving with an open fuel tank containing a filling nozzle creates a dangerous situation for the driver. Therefore, the fault in this incident lies entirely with the driver.

In general, as you already understood, the fault of the driver, who inadvertently tore off the filling nozzle, in such cases is obvious.

And now we will tell you what, in fact, you need to do if you tore off a gun at a gas station.

First, if you notice that the gun has come off, by all means stop. Don't try to hide by pretending nothing happened. You will still be calculated and found, tk. All modern filling stations are equipped with CCTV cameras. If you did not immediately notice the torn off pistol, then we still strongly recommend that you return to the gas station, contact the gas station manager and, without denying what happened, emphasize that you pulled out the pistol unintentionally, i.e., through inattention. We also advise you to be sure to focus on the fact that you did not immediately notice the torn hose and therefore left the gas station, but returned as soon as you realized what had happened. This is a very important point that will allow you to avoid problems with the traffic police, in case it comes to their mind to accuse you of intentionally leaving the scene of an accident.

Secondly, there is no need to panic and sprinkle ashes on your head. And even more so, do not be afraid. After all, you have not committed any crime. You just unintentionally caused damage to the gas station and nothing more.

What to do if the gas station workers demand compensation for the torn off gun right on the spot?

Again, do not be afraid and maintain sobriety and endurance. You are not required to pay directly "here and now". Moreover, if you have a valid OSAGO policy, then you are not required to pay at all. The thing is that a pistol torn off at a gas station is a traffic accident, as we have already mentioned above. And therefore, the norms of the legislation on OSAGO fully apply to this case. Simply put, the hose you cut off is an insured event that is covered by the OSAGO policy. Therefore, if the gas station employees press on you, trying to steal money, politely and calmly inform them of your intention to call the traffic police to file an accident, and recommend that they contact the insurance company on the issue of compensation. Then call the traffic police and after they record the fact of an accident, you can be free. All further questions regarding compensation for damage will be decided by the owners of gas stations with the insurance company. After all, your civil liability for causing harm to third parties is insured, and it is for this that every year we lay out a certain amount by purchasing an OSAGO policy.

And even if you do not have an OSAGO policy, or for some other reason you do not want to get involved with the registration of an accident, anyway, do not rush to pay on the spot. At least for the reason that every thing has its real price, and it is not at all necessary that the cost of a torn off hose is exactly what the indignant gas station workers are trying to present to you. We are aware of real cases when frightened drivers gave very decent sums to gas station employees right on the spot - 5, 10 and more thousand rubles.

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Perhaps there is no motorist who would not press "trigger" filling gun. But dry as a shot, the click is heard later, when the tank is already full. What "shoots" there inside, cutting off the fuel supply, and how does a primitive-looking piece of iron know that the level of gasoline has reached the filler neck of the tank?

To understand, let's do an "autopsy" - that's what it shows (Fig. 1).

Apart from the expected main shut-off valve and fuel passage (shown in yellow), inside there is another, thin canal (green). It communicates with the main channel immediately behind the valve seat, and is equipped with a jet at the end of the gun barrel. As soon as you press the lever, the valve opens the way for gasoline. His flow (up to 120 l/min in truck pistols and up to 40 l/min in thinner barrel pistols for cars), passing by the opening of the signal channel, creates a rarefaction in it (Atomizers work on the same principle). However, it cannot be noticeable as long as air, together with gasoline vapors, is freely sucked from the tank neck through the jet. But as soon as the fuel level rises to the edge of the barrel, the vacuum will increase sharply and the diaphragm will rise up, releasing the piston with the cut-off spring. So a “shot” will be heard - the valve will hit the seat and block the flow of gasoline.

And if during refueling the gun falls out of the neck and falls to the ground? Then the signal channel will be blocked by a special ball, and then everything will go as described above. So quite a bit of fuel will spill - no more than 120 ml, as prescribed by the standard.

In some films scattered (or malicious) the heroes leave the gas station, forgetting to remove the gun from the tank, after which the audience enjoys the spectacle of a grandiose fire. It shouldn't be like this in real life, so protection with automatic valves is installed on each hose. (Fig. 3).

Often there are situations when there are no specially trained people at the gas station to help the driver fill the car's tank. You have to do it yourself. But not every car owner knows how to use a filling nozzle correctly.

How to use the filling gun?

How to use a filling gun at a gas station: gun device

Before you start using any equipment, you should familiarize yourself with its device. The design consists of the following elements:

1. Vacuum channel.

2. Membrane.

3. Valve.

5. Spring valve.

6. Thermal insulation layer.

7. Rotating joint.

8. Cut-off spring.

Each filling nozzle is equipped with a vacuum channel in which a ball valve is mounted. When gasoline enters the gun, a pressure difference is created. Trying to compensate for it, the gun sucks air through the vacuum channel. As soon as the air in the fuel tank runs out, the ball valve closes. Thus, the main fuel supply channel is blocked.

This design does not allow gasoline to overfill the tank, so the use of a gun can be called safe.

After you have arrived at the desired column at the gas station, you can start the refueling process. To do this, you need to follow a certain sequence of actions.

1. Remove the gun from the dispenser and insert it into the tank. Then you can go to the cashier and pay for the amount of gasoline you need.

2. Approach the tank and press the pistol lever. It has a special latch that allows you not to hold the lever with your hand. If you wish, you can use it, then you just have to wait until the gasoline is completely in the tank. But you can also keep the lever pressed by yourself, so you don't have to worry about the gun accidentally falling out of the tank.

No need to be skeptical. This topic is not for those who have been driving for more than two months. This topic is for newcomers, who first went on the road on their own. And it is not at all necessary to tell someone that you have carefully read it.

It always seemed so easy refuel the car. But here you are for the first time discovered that the fuel gauge is not far from zero. Or some numbers suddenly flashed on the dashboard, and you guessed that this is the number of kilometers that your car agrees to drive without refueling. And there are fewer of them ... And suddenly it starts to suck somehow badly in the stomach. Not fear, but some unpleasant anxiety. So, take it easy. What to do?

How to know when it's time to fill up your car

If the fuel level indicator shows that there are less than 10 liters in the tank. The indicator should light up, and the fuel level arrow will drop into the red zone. Do not forget add fuel to the tank to the maximum if you have to go far and on an unfamiliar road. Better refuel the car at a familiar gas station that you trust, rather than worrying about looking for a good gas station in an unknown area.

How to choose a gas station?

It's best to get advice from experienced drivers. If there is no one to ask, or the opinions of advisers are divided, try to get the opinion of more people - for example, on auto forums.

Never make decisions based only on the minimum price. There is a high probability of pouring low-quality or diluted gasoline into your car. Pretty soon this will lead to problems, the solution of which will cost a pretty penny.

What kind of gasoline should the car be filled with?

As a rule, information about the brand of gasoline you need is located near the gas tank cap. Or you can definitely find it in the instructions for your car. In extreme cases, find out in a car service. Do not listen to conversations and disputes about replacing A95 gasoline with A92 brand. Use gasoline with the octane rating specified by your vehicle manufacturer.

We go to the gas station

Before go to the gas station, park and make sure you know which side of your car the gas tank is on and how to open the cap. Usually somewhere in direct reach from the driver's seat (more often - to the left under the driver's seat) there is a button with a recognizable picture of a gas station. Try it. Get out of the car and close the gas tank.

By the way, few people know that on the dashboard, next to the filling column icon, there is an arrow indicating which side you have the gas tank flap on. Apparently, this is done specifically for the most forgetful car owners.

So now you need to go to the gas station. Change lanes ahead of time. Usually you need to drive in from the right side (if you are facing the gas station), leave accordingly from the left - a circular one-way traffic, counterclockwise. Or at the entrance there should be a diagram of the movement of the gas station.

Perhaps there will be signs that allow the turn, if you pass it, do not poke your head into the one that is intended for leaving the parking lot - there should be a “brick” sign. You can "meet" with the car leaving the gas station.

At a gas station

Look carefully at filling columns, look for inscriptions marking gasoline (columns can be universal), remember which side you have a gas tank on.

Quietly we drive this side to the column. We look in the side mirror to stop correctly: the gas tank hatch should be opposite the column so that it is convenient to insert the gun. Stop the engine and put the car on the parking brake. When leaving, be sure to pick up the keys and handbag (purse) and close the car.

If a tanker approached you, you just need to tell him what kind of gasoline you need and how many liters, and go to pay yourself. When you return, make sure that the gas tank cap is closed, and the ordered number of liters is displayed on the display of the filling station.

If there are no tankers in sight, you should not panic. Do not be afraid of the skeptical views of other drivers. It is not yet known how they felt for their first time. Calmly insert the gun into the gas tank, pull the trigger all the way and secure it with the safety latch. Then go pay. You can pay for a certain number of liters (if you are sure that this amount will go into the gas tank), you can ask to fill in gasoline for a certain amount, or, almost always, you can order gas station to a full tank. After paying, go to the car and check the filling of gasoline, hold the gun, pressing the safety catch if necessary (in some old gas stations it often snaps off). You will understand that the refueling is over when the counter on the scoreboard stops working, and the final number of liters and the amount due are displayed. If you want to fill full tank, inform the cashier about it, and return to pay after you fill up the car. You can just in case pick up a cashier's check - you never know what ...

Attention! The gun must be held vertically (nose up) so that you are not doused with gasoline. It must be inserted back “as it was”, if difficulties arise, take a look at the adjacent column.

Do not forget to return the filling nozzle to its place and tighten the gas tank cap - until it clicks. Everything! We leave carefully, to celebrate, do not forget to turn on the turn signal and make sure that we are safe.

Refueling a car, at first glance, seems to be a simple and elementary process, however, for novice drivers who get behind the wheel for the first time, even this easy task can be difficult. First of all, you need to learn how to correctly determine the moment when it's time to go to the gas station.

This must be done in the following cases:

  1. There is less than 10 liters of fuel left in the tank of the car, which will be indicated by the level indicator. In this case, the arrow should be in the red zone, and the numbers will start flashing on the dashboard, displaying the distance in kilometers that can be driven without refueling.
  2. The upcoming long journey through unfamiliar terrain, which does not allow us to estimate where the nearest gas station will be located.

Choice of refueling and fuel

You can find out the brand of gasoline that is suitable for a particular car in the following ways:

  1. Obtain information from the vehicle manual.
  2. Look at the marking located near the gas tank cap.
  3. Specify the information in the car service.

Below is a list of gas stations that have proven themselves on the positive side and consistently confirm the high quality of the fuel sold:

  1. Rosneft company owns the largest filling network in Russia, where you can buy gasoline, diesel, oil and gas fuel. All varieties have high quality indicators, as evidenced by positive feedback from car owners.
  2. Phaeton-Aero company engages in the sale of only high quality fuel obtained from European suppliers.
  3. Lukoil company is known to every car owner, most drivers note the high level of fuel quality and service.
  4. Trassa company opened its network of gas stations relatively recently, but has already managed to establish itself on the positive side and is popular with many car owners.
  5. Company "Magistral" successfully combines the affordability of fuel and high rates of its quality.

To reduce the risk of refueling your car with low-quality gasoline, it is recommended to avoid visiting the following gas stations:

  1. Gas stations with heavily discounted prices, which should alert an experienced driver.
  2. No brand name.
  3. The words "luxury" or "premium" attributed to the brand of fuel, because they are only an advertising ploy.

Rules for refueling a car with a tanker

Carrying out refueling with the help of a tanker is quite easy, since it requires a minimum number of actions to be performed by the car owner.

Their sequence is described below:

  1. It is necessary to remember on which side of the vehicle the gas tank is located and park near the gas station so that it is at the same level with it.
  2. After stopping the machine, turn off the engine and apply the handbrake.
  3. The gas tank is opened by pressing a special button or turning a lever, which for most brands of cars is located under the driver's seat. In older cars, this process is carried out manually, so you will need to leave the passenger compartment and unscrew the roof yourself.
  4. The refueling agent must be informed of the brand of gasoline that is planned to be filled, as well as its volume. All other actions he performs independently.
  5. While the employee is refueling the car, you can pay for gasoline, the cash desk is usually located next to or inside the store.
  6. After making the payment, you can return to the car and check the gas station display, which should contain information regarding the number of paid liters of fuel and the total amount.
  7. Departure from the territory of the gas station is carried out after the employee notifies of the completion of the procedure.
  8. You need to leave the gas station through a special exit, moving at a minimum speed. Before leaving the highway, do not forget to turn on the appropriate turn signal. If you need to make additional purchases in the store, the car must be left in a specially designated place for this.

The fuel indicator will not start showing changes immediately, but only after some time after the start of movement.

Step-by-step instructions for self-refueling at a gas station

At some gas stations there are no employees to help with refueling the car, in which case you will have to carry out all the actions yourself.

A detailed algorithm of actions is given below:

  1. Wait your turn and park correctly near the gas station, as described in the previous case.
  2. Do not forget to turn off the engine and put the car on the handbrake, then open the gas tank cap and unscrew the plug.
  3. The filling nozzle must be removed from the dispenser and carefully inserted into the tank.
  4. Press the lever located on the filling nozzle, and then fix its position with the help of a special “dog”.
  5. Close the car and pay at the checkout for the desired volume and brand of fuel.
  6. On the display of the column, you can see the number of liters and the total amount, the fuel supply will end automatically when the required volume is filled into the tank.
  7. After filling is completed, you need to press the gun lever again, which will allow you to unfasten it from the “dog”.
  8. The refueling nozzle returns to its place, this must be done with the utmost care, since small amounts of fuel may leak out of it.

Refueling a car with a gas system

In recent years, more and more car owners are refueling their vehicles with gases, as this practice has the following advantages:

  1. Financial savings: gas costs almost 2 times cheaper than the budget brand of gasoline.
  2. Extending the life of the engine, as the load on the fuel system of the machine is reduced.
  3. Reduced oil contamination resulting in less oil change.
  4. Ecological cleanliness of gas fuel, the volume of harmful emissions into the environment is reduced by more than 2 times.
  5. Maintaining the ability to refuel with standard fuel.
  6. A high degree of safety if the installation of the system is carried out by a qualified specialist.
  7. Increased ride comfort as the use of gas eliminates fuel particle explosions occurring in the combustion system.

Despite such a large number of positive aspects, this method of refueling has certain disadvantages:

  1. Additional expenses for the installation of a gas system, which will justify itself only in the case of frequent or long trips.
  2. Lack of refueling at some gas stations.
  3. Decreasing vehicle power by 10%, resulting in a reduction in acceleration and top speed.
  4. Increasing the frequency of changing the air filter.
  5. The inability to use the gas system at low temperatures, as well as the need for extremely careful operation during the heat.
  6. The need to allocate a sufficiently large amount of space in the trunk for the installation of the system.
  7. An increase in the mass of the vehicle by approximately 60 kg.
  8. Risk of gas leakage and explosion if the system was installed without following the technology.

Refueling at gas stations is carried out in accordance with the following instructions:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to make sure that there are no mechanical damage to the cylinder, malfunctions of its fittings and distortions of individual elements.
  2. After entering the gas station, the driver and all passengers must leave the vehicle, before that you need to turn off the engine and put the car on the handbrake.
  3. The driver must provide the gas station employee with full access to the gas cylinder by removing all protective elements.
  4. An adapter is installed if refueling without it is impossible.
  5. All other actions are performed by the gas station employee, the driver is strictly forbidden to independently connect the filling hose, as well as perform any actions with the dispenser.
  6. Payment for fuel is carried out at the box office. It is allowed to start movements only after making sure that the filling hose has been disconnected and a plug has been placed on the device.

"Likbez from Gorynych"

Types of fuel dispensers

As we promised in previous posts, today we will talk about the device of the dispensing gun, its features and possible varieties. And also about how exactly this device allows you to accurately dose fuel, automatically measuring the desired “dose” without the possibility of any external reconfiguration.

Dispensing or refueling gun - equipment for dosing / issuing fuel used at gas stations.


  • easy and safe to use;
  • suitable for use at any temperature and humidity;
  • guarantees a stable supply of petrol/diesel.
  • all elements of the gun, "in contact" with the working environment, are made of materials resistant to corrosion and aggressive chemical "attacks".

Fuel dispenser device

At first glance, the refueling gun device may seem simple, almost primitive. However, it is not. Its main function is to supply fuel, but in addition, it is possible to cut off the supply of gasoline / diesel when the tank is full.

How it works? With a normal fuel supply, air enters the gun through a small tube and jet. As soon as the fuel reaches the level of the filler pipe and enters the jet, the air pressure in the protection system drops sharply, the membrane instantly “reacts” - and the cut-off spring is activated, stopping the flow of gasoline / diesel. Resuming the feed can only be done by pressing the gun lever again.

The design of the fuel dispenser

The fuel dispenser consists of:

  • corps;
  • filling pipe;
  • swivel hose connection;
  • lever handles;
  • thermal insulation;
  • jet;
  • membranes;
  • ball valve (stops distribution when falling, not available everywhere).

Additional controls:

  • rotating coupling (does not allow twisting of the hose);
  • spiral wire (for reliable fixation of the nozzle in the tank neck).

Types of filling nozzles


  • automatic with a cut-off that is triggered when the tank is full;
  • without cut-off in the form of a dispensing valve;
  • with built-in fuel meter.

The latter are conveniently used together with a fuel pump in order to know the consumption of petroleum products. And the first is the main option for working at gas stations.

When choosing a fuel dispensing valve (pistol), please note: it will work together with the pump. In principle: the capacity of the gun must match (or exceed) the performance of the pump. The capacity of the guns is also important (on average, from 20 to 290 liters / min.). This property of the fuel dispenser valve is affected by its size.


  • for diesel fuel;
  • for gasolines;
  • for oil.

How guns connect to fuel hoses

There are two ways of "docking":

  • using a fitting (simple and economical, but with low wear resistance);
  • through a fitting, a special “adapter” (a stronger connection, optimal for working under conditions of high pressure and additional loads).

Most fuel dispenser guns fall into two categories:

  1. Shutdown method: automatic (with a cut-off device) and mechanical (manually switched off).
  2. The presence of a flow meter. The total quantity indicator cannot be reset, it indicates the exact volume of the last supply, allowing you to dose the fuel as accurately as possible without possible errors.

Fuel dispensing guns are installed at all Zmey Gorynych network filling stations, which allow dispensing fuel as accurately, quickly and efficiently as possible.