Transportation of gasoline. Transportation of fuel as a business. Requirements for drivers

The ABAS group of companies provides services for the transportation of fuel in Moscow and the Moscow region. We work in strict accordance with federal law N 259-FZ and GOST 1510-84.

Transportation of fuel and lubricants requires high responsibility and modern technical equipment of the carrier company. The requirements of Federal Law N 259-FZ and GOST 1510-84 provide for a number of compliances, without which transport companies cannot be allowed to transport light oil products, dark oil products and other types of flammable and combustible liquids.

Requirements for the transportation of petroleum products by road:

  1. Tankers should be painted in bright orange, red, or bright, conspicuous corporate colors.
  2. The road train must be equipped with flashing beacons that operate during the movement of loaded vehicles.
  3. Coordination of the route with the traffic police without deviations.
  4. Transportation of petroleum products by road should be carried out by experienced drivers who have passed a medical examination before the flight.
  5. Filling the tank no more than 95%.

The ABAS group of companies has many years of trouble-free experience and complies with all requirements for the carrier when transporting petroleum products.

Safety and responsibility during the transportation of fuel and lubricants

In order to comply with the requirements of the Law and GOST, a transport company must have a number of characteristics, according to which it can be allowed to transport fuel by fuel trucks. Moscow, as a city with extremely busy traffic and a high accident risk, obliges to comply with these rules, not only because of the penalties provided for by the Law, but in the name of the safety of many people.

  • Transportation of fuel is carried out by modern multi-layer tanks with a capacity of 2.4 to 28.4 thousand liters based on tractors no older than 2010.
  • The vehicles are equipped with the Glonass system, which allows tracking the transportation of diesel fuel, dark heating oil and other types of fuels and lubricants in real time.
  • Fire-fighting and emergency equipment of road trains are the best examples of the latest generation.
  • Systems for pressure control and leakage prevention during the transportation of fuel and lubricants to guard the safety of the cargo, machine and facility.
  • The system of lower draining and pumping out of fuel is thought out taking into account the convenience of partial passing unloading, which is important when transporting fuel and lubricants by road for several objects within the framework of one contract.

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Fuel delivery is a popular service

There is not a single area in industry and in the national economy, wherever fuel is used. People's lives directly depend on the use of fuel products. Any type of transport will not work without fuel, even rail transport uses fuel, despite the fact that most of the rolling stock is driven mainly by electric trains. And aviation and sea vessels are operated only with the help of fuel, with the exception of nuclear icebreakers and submarines. Transportation of oil derivatives is carried out by all modes of transport.

Any fuel - kerosene, gasoline, diesel fuel - is the result of oil refining, which means it is a dangerous cargo. Fuel delivery is carried out in special tanks, which are produced in accordance with all safety rules and international standards. Before pouring fuel into an empty tank, it must be checked for cleanliness, since nothing should interact with oil products. Each container has a special breakwater to dampen the fluctuations of the liquid during the transportation of cargo, when stopping or, conversely, when the vehicle picks up speed. The tank is never completely filled, it is necessary to leave free space in the tank. The hatch of the tank is closed hermetically, using a plug.

The role of fuel trucks in the delivery of fuel

Transportation of fuel is carried out by fuel trucks, which have grounding.
Draining of fuel from the fuel truck is carried out using pumps. According to the rules, each fuel truck must have a sign that indicates the danger of the cargo being transported. During the transportation of cargo, the driver of the vehicle must constantly be in touch with the dispatcher. Delivery of fuel by fuel trucks is carried out over short distances. Each driver must have a special permit to work on a fuel tanker. In other cases, resort to the services of rail transport.

Transportation of fuel by rail is quite cheap, and a huge number of tanks can be used. But the fuel will still have to be delivered to the recipient of the cargo by fuel trucks. The main part of the fuel is transported by tankers by sea vessels. A large volume of cargo is placed in a tanker, and the price of transportation is insignificant in comparison with other modes of transport. The only negative properties of sea transportation can be called only a small speed and the impact on the delivery of weather conditions.

And other oil products, only specialized transport should be used, namely, tanks for oil products and fuel trucks.

Gas transportation

Natural gas that gas producers get from wells must be prepared for transportation so that it can be received by the end user (chemical plant, boiler house, city gas networks, etc.). The need for special training is also due to the fact that the gas contains different components that are targeted for different user groups, as well as impurities that can significantly complicate the transportation process.

At present, the pipeline remains the main method of transporting gas. Pressurized gas is pumped through a pipe. During transportation, the gas loses its kinetic energy due to constant friction with the pipeline walls and other gas layers. Therefore, at certain intervals, it becomes necessary to build special compensation stations that pressurize the gas to 75 atm and cool it effectively. Building and maintaining a pipeline is very expensive, but it is one of the cheapest methods of transporting gas.

In addition to pipelines, tankers (or gas carriers) are also very often used. These are specially designed vehicles on which gas is transported in a liquefied state and at a temperature of -160. Very often, gas is also transported using railway tanks - although this method is more risky than the previous two, so it is used for transportation over short distances.

Liquefied natural gas is transported on specialized sea vessels called a gas carrier, which are equipped with cryo-tanks, and on land - with special vehicles. Transportation of regasified liquefied gas is carried out to end users via conventional pipelines.

Oil transportation

The replacement of outdated technologies and ways of organizing the transport process with innovative methods based on supply chain management could not but affect such an important aspect of transportation as oil transportation.

In the oil refining industry, problems constantly arise related to ensuring territorial efficiency and justification of management.

Since most refineries are located quite far from oil production sites, the issue of competent transportation has always been a key issue for this area. The cheapest and economically justified (in terms of the cost of 1 km of track) is an oil pipeline. In pipes, oil moves at a speed of 3 m/s, which is provided by pumping stations. Oil pipelines can be both above ground and underground - both types have their advantages and disadvantages. Part of the volume of oil is transported by specially equipped tankers. The cargo compartments of tankers are divided into three to four compartments (tanks), which contain oil.

The third most popular way to transport oil is by rail. However, in order to deliver "black gold" by rail, you need to put in 10 times more effort than when transporting by pipeline. Therefore, even in countries with a developed railway network, this method remains of secondary importance.

Fuel transportation

Transportation of fuel has its own characteristics. Pipelines are not used to transport fuel, so the main method remains the railway and road transport. Because fuel is a highly flammable material, there are a number of rules and regulations that govern the transport of highly hazardous substances.

For the transportation of fuel, specially equipped tanks are used, which must be:

- white or very light to repel the sun's rays as efficiently as possible;

- clean (dirt, foreign particles and residues of old fuel accelerate the oxidation process);

- not copper, not lead and not aluminum - all these metals accelerate the process of fuel oxidation;

- full, which allows you to limit the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact of the fuel with air.

Transportation of petroleum products

In total, there are four ways to transport petroleum products:

- water;

- automobile;

- railway;

- air.

The choice of mode of transport depends on the type of cargo to be delivered, as there are a huge number of petroleum products that are similar in their characteristics, but differ in physical and chemical properties.

Water transport remains the most convenient - in theory, it costs 30% less than rail transport, although harsh reality is often mixed in here - ships are old, leaks and accidents often occur.

Road transport remains very profitable - when transporting over a distance of up to 300 kilometers, it is the most efficient and rational.

Transportation of gasoline

Gasoline is the most transported petroleum product in the world. It needs to be delivered to the most remote corners of our planet, therefore, all existing modes of transport are used for its transportation - rail, road, water and air. The most effective is the railway - but there are far from all places, therefore, it is the road that is most often used.

A number of requirements and recommendations are put forward for the transportation of gasoline, which each carrier is obliged to comply with, otherwise the transported product will lose its original quality indicators.

The requirements relate to both the transportation technique and the conditions, but they help to avoid emergency situations, which, if they occur, can cause a man-made disaster, as a result of which hundreds of people will die.

Transportation of bitumen

For the transportation of bitumen, specially designed vehicles are used - called bitumen trucks. According to many requirements, this is the only permitted and possible option for the transportation of these mixtures. In all its essence, a bitumen truck is a semi-trailer or a tank - a thermos. It is specially equipped with double outer walls containing heat-insulating materials.

Such a protected tank is designed for the safe transportation of bitumen in its liquid state. To do this, such a tank has all the necessary capabilities to keep the bitumen temperature fairly high throughout the entire transportation. When pouring this mixture into the tank, it has a temperature of more than 180 degrees C. Thanks to this design, the tank almost does not allow the bitumen to cool at all and its entire mass is delivered to the work sites only in a liquid consistency, and this state is necessary in order to easily extract the bitumen from this tank.

Pumping and pumping of bitumen into transportation tanks is carried out without the help of vacuum and pressure pumps, simply by gravity. A special tank of such a bitumen truck can maintain the desired temperature for a long time.

Dangerous cargo in road transport is, first of all, flammable, poisonous or even radioactive baggage in a car, transported for a specific purpose and in certain quantities. The carriage of dangerous goods is regulated by law. The main of these laws is called " European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road" (ADR). Drivers most often become interested in the rules for the transportation of such dangerous goods when it is necessary to transport gasoline or diesel fuel (diesel fuel) in the trunk.

So, ADR regulate the rules for the transport of dangerous goods, and also have an exhaustive list of substances that can be classified as dangerous. This list includes, among other things, gasoline, kerosene and almost all other flammable substances.

At the same time, ADR allows the transportation of these hazardous substances to private individuals for personal use and for resale, but with a limited quantity and only in a certain container.

The provisions of ADR do not apply:

  • to the carriage of dangerous goods by private persons when these goods are packaged for retail sale and are intended for their personal consumption, use in the home, leisure or sport, provided that measures are taken to prevent any leakage of the contents under normal conditions of carriage. When such goods are flammable liquids carried in refillable receptacles filled by or for a private person, the total quantity shall not exceed 60 liters per vessel and 240 liters per transport unit.

That is, dangerous goods in the form of the same gasoline or diesel fuel, for example, we can transport in a volume of no more than 240 liters in total (this is a little more than one barrel) and bottled in vessels of no more than 60 liters each.

There are also requirements for vessels - they must not allow liquid to leak out, therefore plastic cans are not suitable here. Gas stations, however, sell canisters made of special plastic that is not corroded by fuel.

What is the penalty for transporting dangerous goods?

For violation of the rules for the transport of dangerous goods, we will face a fine under article 12.21.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses in the amount of 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles or deprivation of rights for a period of 4 months to six months if we are private individuals, and even more if we are officials or legal entities .

12.21.2 Administrative Code:

1. Transportation of dangerous goods by a driver who does not have a certificate of training for drivers of vehicles carrying dangerous goods, a certificate of approval of the vehicle for the transport of dangerous goods, a special permit or an emergency card of the hazard information system provided for by the rules for the transport of dangerous goods, as well as the transport of dangerous goods goods on a vehicle that is not designed to comply with the requirements of the regulations for the carriage of dangerous goods or which lacks elements of a hazard information system or equipment or means used to deal with the consequences of an accident during the transport of dangerous goods, or non-compliance with the conditions for the carriage of dangerous goods, provided for by these rules, entails the imposition of an administrative a fine on the driver in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four to six months; for officials responsible for transportation - from fifteen thousand to twenty thousand rubles; for legal entities - from four hundred thousand to five hundred thousand roubles.

What substances are classified as dangerous goods?

Let's list the most common of them, which most often need to be transported! All substances have their own specific hazard class. First, we give a list of such classes, and then common substances and the hazard class assigned to them.

  • Class 1 - Explosive substances and articles
  • Class 2 - Gases
  • Class 3 - Flammable Substances
  • Class 4.1 - Flammable solids, self-reactive and solid explosives
  • Class 4.2 - Substances capable of spontaneous combustion
  • Class 4.3 - Substances which emit flammable gases when exposed to water
  • Class 5.1 - Oxidizing substances
  • Class 5.2 - Organic peroxides
  • Class 6.1 - Toxic substances
  • Class 6.2 - Infectious substances
  • Class 7 - Radioactive substances
  • Class 8 - Corrosive substances
  • Class 9 - Other dangerous substances and articles

Hazardous Substances

Substance or article Class
ammo for weapons (including blanks) and ammunition 1
Gunpowder and detonators 1
bombs 1
Illumination rockets 1
firecrackers, sound and light distress signals 1
ammonium nitrate 1
Acetylene 2
Compressed air (including liquid) 2
Ammonia 2
Argon 2
Butane 2
Carbon dioxide 2
Chlorine 2
Cyanogen 2
Cyclopropane 2
Ether 2
Ethane 2
Fire extinguishers with compressed or liquefied gas 2
Helium 2
Hydrogen 2
hydrogen sulfide 2
methylamine 2
Lighters or lighter refills 2
Nitrogen compressed 2
Oxygen compressed or liquid 2
Propylene 2
Refrigerant gas 2
Acetone 3
Benzene 3
Camphor oil 3
Almost any adhesive 3
Aromatic liquid extracts 3
Ethyl alcohol (ethanol) 3
ethyl acetate 3
Fusel oil 3
Diesel fuel 3
Heating oil 3
gas oil 3
Petrol 3
Gasoline 3
Petrol 3
Nitroglycerin and its solutions 3
Hexane 3
Ink 3
Kerosene 3
methanol 3
Nitromethane 3
Paints (including enamels, dyes, varnish, varnish, solvent) 3
Perfumes containing flammable substances 3
Oil 3
coniferous oil 3
Resin oil 3
Medical tincture 3
Turpentine 3
Liquid antiseptics for wood 3
powdered aluminum 4.1
Matches 4.1
Naphthalene 4.1
Rubber 4.1
Activated carbon 4.2
alkaloids 6.1
Mercury and its acetates and many other derivatives 6.1
Any alkalis 8
Perchloric acid 8
Sulphuric acid 8
Acetic acid 8
Phosphoric acid 8
sulfurous acid 8
Aviation fuel 3
Pesticides 5.2

A complete list of hazardous substances for transportation can be found at

GOST 1510-84 establishes the rules for packaging and labeling, storage and transportation of oil and oil products. When using and transporting leaded gasoline, the sanitary rules approved by the Ministry of Health and regulated by regulatory and technical documents must be observed.

For transportation, liquid fuel is packed into rail tank cars and tank trucks, bunker gondola cars, tankers. Transported by all modes of transport: pipeline, rail, road, air, sea and river. When transporting fuel oil, it is necessary to provide for the conditions for its heating in order to reduce the viscosity to a level that provides the possibility of pumping and draining.

Liquid fuels of each brand should be stored in separate metal and reinforced concrete tanks, excluding the ingress of precipitation and dust into them. The degree of filling of the tanks should be as high as possible, since fuel losses depend on this. So, in a tank filled with gasoline by 90%, the annual losses are 0.4%, and by 20% -13.6% of the mass of stored fuel. Guaranteed shelf life in warehouses, oil depots and filling columns of motor gasoline - 5 years from the date of manufacture, aviation - 2 years.

Each batch of petroleum products must be accompanied by a quality document (passport) containing the name of the liquid fuel, its brand and standard number; name or trademark of the manufacturer, gross and net weight (and, if necessary, the volume of the packaged oil product), date of manufacture; lot number; inscription "Flammable" - for light oil products, the inscription "Poison" - for poisonous.

The documents must also indicate the standards of quality indicators established by the regulatory and technical documentation, and the results of testing this oil product. Petroleum products are taken by weight, which is determined by weighing, or by volume and density. After determining the mass of the oil product, it is compared with that specified in the consignment note, the passport is checked and, if all indicators are consistent, the arrived fuel is poured into the tanks. If the oil product arrived without a passport (the tank number does not match the number specified in the accompanying documents; the seals on the tank are damaged or missing; the tank is sealed by an intermediate station, not the sender’s station), the consignee is obliged to analyze a sample of this oil product in the laboratory and not spend (do not accept ) before issuing a passport. If the quality of the received oil product does not meet the standard, an act is drawn up in the prescribed form. One sample taken from the tank car with the participation of a representative of the railway is kept by the consignee in case of arbitration analysis until the claim is resolved.

Gasolines are explosive, flammable and combustible liquids. In rooms where liquid fuel is stored, strict adherence to fire safety rules is required: it is strictly forbidden to smoke, light matches, and carry out repairs that emit sparks; storage of oiled rags and foreign objects in the warehouse. For prevention, it is necessary to conduct a periodic inspection of electrical wiring and insulators, check the condition of the grounding of tanks, pipelines, filling and filling and other equipment.

Liquid fuels are toxic substances and have a harmful effect on human health, they can enter the human body through the respiratory and oral cavity.

The danger of poisoning exists at all stages of production, storage, transportation and especially the use of liquid fuels. The limiting concentration in the air is strictly regulated: for solvent gasoline, it should not exceed 300 mg / m 3; for automobile gasoline - 100 mg / m 3 and for kerosene - 300 mg / m 3. Leaded gasoline is the most dangerous, since tetraethyl lead is a persistent strong poison that accumulates in the human body, on surrounding objects and clothing.

For the storage, reception, and distribution of leaded gasoline, special containers, receiving risers, dispensers, pumps and pipelines should be allocated. Equipment for operations with it is painted in a bright color that distinguishes it from the rest, with large indelible inscriptions "Leaded gasoline. Poison".

Compliance with safety rules when handling liquid fuel prevents accidents, accidents, and its loss. To work with liquid fuels, persons who have received the appropriate instruction and passed the safety exam may be admitted.